Living Magically Podcast

Embodying the Dragon's Power in a Year of Change | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 5

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Ever felt the universe stirring things up, setting you on edge with sleepless nights and a buzzing mind? I'm Michelle Orwick, and I've been right there with you, feeling every pulse of those massive solar flares like a cosmic drumbeat urging us to evolve. This episode is your guide through these energetic tides, where we honor the spirit of Aquarius season and the radical changes it heralds. As we bask in the rare occurrence of all planets moving direct, I share how we can harness this unique momentum to fuel our personal growth and transformation. Together, we'll explore the significance of Imbolc and Candlemas in seeding our future dreams, and I'll offer insights on how to align with your soul's deepest yearnings through ritual and meditation.

Listen closely as I recount the liberating journey of letting go under the Aquarius new moon, a time that also marks the Chinese Year of the Dragon—a symbol of power and growth. Cleansing our energy fields and surroundings is more than just spring cleaning; it's a vital step in making room for the new. I'll walk you through the empowering tools of acceptance, radical forgiveness, and the law of humility, keys to unlocking a future that vibrates with your aspirations. With every planet on our side, now's the moment to chart your course with intention, moving towards your dreams with grace, ease, love, and joy. So, if you're ready to seize the Aquarian era's call to innovate and actualize, this episode is your beacon, lighting the way to a life lived magically.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I am your host, michelle Orwick, and we have an absolutely magical Monday going on. There is so much energy shifting and changing. So if you're feeling it right now, here at the beginning of the week maybe you're listening to this on Tuesday or Wednesday If you're feeling it still right here at the beginning of the week, it's because there's a lot, a big shift happening astrologically. We have solar flares, and I don't know if you have ever really looked at what a solar flare does to you, but the first thing to think about is solar flares disrupt, they create a disturbance in the bioenergetic field of planet Earth, and we have solar flares that are happening that are bigger than we've had since 2017. So this creates sleep disturbances, this creates sometimes headaches and sometimes flu-like symptoms, and as we're going through these solar flares, we also have some massive astrological aspects going on. Over the weekend, we have now had all kinds of changes. We had Uranus move into Taurus direct, so it was in retrograde. It has been for some time, and now we finally have every single planet moving direct. This will last for a couple of months and this creates an opportunity. It creates momentum. At this moment, we're still feeling the shift in the change. We have some big energy.

Michelle Orwick:

This is Aquarius season and Aquarius is all about radical change. It's all about new thought, new ideas, inspiration and new beginnings. The Celtic calendar calls this in bulk. We have it coming up on the first and second with the two portals. So the second is always an energy here in February where we are connecting to this really deep beginning and from that deep beginning we have the quietness of planting seeds. We have this actually mirrored in the bigger picture astrology, not just Aquarius season, but this is really the beginning of Pluto. In Aquarius, we are going to see the world be living a new state. We're going to see massive changes in the next 20 years. There are only days, actually of maybe a week into this major upheaval that's going to be coming and I want you to see where you fit into it. That's really what the stars are aligning to ask of you. Where do you fit? What is it you're planting? What is it that you're going to gestate and grow? This is the beginning.

Michelle Orwick:

The Catholics call this candle mass and partly because at this time of year they would build their candles, they would actually be dipping their candles and then blessing them, because it's the darkest season. It's the time where, since we're inward, since we're in our homes, since we're in our hearts, we're in our body, we are creating these things for our future. So, really, right now, what is it you really want to create this year, this season, this, this planting season? What seeds are you going to be putting into the ground? Or maybe you've already put some seeds into the ground and you have to be patient. Maybe there's a patience here where you can't see anything as it's coming up, but it's there, it's gestating in your heart, in your mind, in your actions, and really aligning here with the frequency and the vibration of who you are and who you're becoming, aligning with the frequency of what do you really want and how is that different than who you are acting today? So a lot of times we get these, these big astrological shifts, and we sit here and and we're like, how do I get there? And I can just feel like this, this tightness, right, but the idea is to actually radically expand. The idea in this process is how do you release the tension of this idea that it's not here yet, to aligning with the idea and the frequency and the plan of I am creating. There's a massive creator, creatrix energy in the stratosphere right now.

Michelle Orwick:

This, for a lot of people, is an activation of new earth. There's going to be a lot of ritual this weekend the second, the third, the fourth. For me, the second is truly an amazing place to be focusing in on the alignment of your soul's heart desire. So what do you do with a ritual at candle mass or in bulk? Well, usually this is a feast of lights. Light to the candles, ignite the flame, bring light to the darkness, bring illumination to your dreams and your ideas. Write it into being. We're two weeks away from the new moon that's going to really be spurring on the Asian lunar new year and with that, you are going to see the momentum you're wanting.

Michelle Orwick:

This is still the spark of ideas area. This is still any last let-and-go, and I know it's always a cycle of letting go and bringing in. Letting go and bringing in, because we're incremental people. There's always something that is is ready to shed and die off and no longer be part of us. This is why we are constantly transforming and if you're not transforming, why you feel stuck, it is it is hard sometimes for us to look at it and go, oh, I've got to do more. I've got to be more and and this was actually one of the things we were working on in last weekend's class, in my spiritual coaching class that we were on Everybody is being asked to be in expansion and if you're, you're bottom trigger program is to be more. It may feel uncomfortable, you might not feel like you're enough, and what we want to do is become more from a place if I'm already enough, from a place of I already am worthy, from a place of I am already deserving. So the becoming more is more about allowing yourself to become your dream, to become your soul's desire. There's a deepening of your soul's desire and there's a clarity.

Michelle Orwick:

The interesting thing about the dark part of the year is that that is time for meditation, that is time for checking in, journaling, thinking and my favorite dreaming. Dreaming and imagining what is possible and, to quote Joe Dispenza, this is how we become the supernatural. We overcome our natural tendencies and we forget. We overcome, we eliminate who we've been. We are practicing an alignment with our future version of us. We are embodying the, the person that has all the things. We are embodying the traits that are the version of us that creates our soul-heart desire.

Michelle Orwick:

If we already had what we want, we wouldn't want it, we would just be in gratitude, right? So this thing that you're desiring was in front of you when you were embodying it, you would be in gratitude. So the state we're looking for here is the embodiment of the gratitude, even though the proof isn't here, because the version of you that has it is in a state of being, and that state of being is the one of having. And if you're having and you're grateful for it, then you actually start creating a field that becomes magnified. Well, now is the time to be in that gratitude field, as if you are grateful because it is all ready in your field. You are grateful because you are losing the. I'm not sure it's possible. You're letting go of the. It might be possible for someone else, but not for me.

Michelle Orwick:

This is the elimination, right now that is necessary. Any kind of doubt, any kind of this is impossible, and most of us, the impossible comes from hope, and so, therefore, when something we wanted doesn't become made manifest, we actually stop believing it is possible, even though In experiments, in science, we are constantly having to say, oh, that wasn't the right thing, oh, that wasn't the right thing, and in experiments. We're eliminating this isn't how it was done. We look at a mistake or a non-success as one step to our success. We're eliminating how it's not done. So if you have maybe not how what you really want come through instead of hopeless that you haven't had it look at how far you've come, look at the version of you that you are now, because now you're ready, now you're prepared, now you've been through the all the other experiences and you are supernaturally actually expanding in this sense of radical expansion into this greatest version of you. This is happening right here in our lives, in Technicolor, and that's what happens when we see things more beautiful, more alive, and I really expect that to be true for us in this opportunity window for the next two or so months.

Michelle Orwick:

That new moon that we're gonna be having, that comes up, the new mooning Aquarius is going to be the new moon. That's truly the start of the eight year, truly the start of the year of the dragon, truly the start of the energy, of momentum to propel you forward. So, as we're getting ready, it's happening on the ninth and 10th of this month, or actually February, because you're probably still watching this in January, so we're just less than two weeks away from this potent Aquarian moon, and what you're doing right now is lining up your frequency, lining up your vibration, lining up your expectation, getting rid of the hopelessness, getting rid of the impossible, getting rid of all these things that say it's not going to happen because it hasn't happened before. Well, of course it hasn't happened before. It's supposed to happen now.

Michelle Orwick:

Now is when you've been waiting for, and I really feel that in so many of you that this is the time you've been preparing for for maybe your entire life. But for the last few years, we have been really cleansing our energy field, our culture, our environments, our life, and so if there is any more deep letting go and, trust me, nobody's letting go of more stuff than I am right now, as I am in Ohio plowing through my family history I mean there is definitely an opportunity for me to do a life review right now. My mother has probably every single picture that's ever been taken of me since my childhood, so it's really easy for me to be like okay, this was this stage and this was that stage and this was where I learned this and this is where I learned that, and, oh, my goodness, how grateful I am for all the work I have done, and I have. It's been a upward battle at some points, going through all the work and all the process to get to have the life I lead today. So I'm so grateful for all the things this past version of me did in her life to prepare me for being the amazing person I am today, and I really want to thank myself for doing all the hard work. And if you're in an interesting place, you're either asking yourself have I done all the hard work? And if you haven't, I encourage you to lean in. There's still a little hard work to get what you want.

Michelle Orwick:

Now is the time, if there is a little bit of letting go, to do to get where you want. Maybe there's some sandbags, maybe there's some things you have to let go of, like resentment, rejection and regret. This was what I was teaching in the class this weekend. How do you let go of resentment, rejection and regret? Well, you accept and you forgive. And it's radical Again, that is one of my words, for 2024 is radical, and so to get radical expansion, you must do radical release, which means letting go of the past, letting go of your failures, letting go of those who failed you and we use the law of humility, and this is such a important lesson.

Michelle Orwick:

It's something I really only stumbled across about two years ago and it is the concept of you cannot change what you have not first accepted. That's the law of humility, and when you accept it, then you can move forward and go somewhere else, because you can't get somewhere if you don't even know where you are. So the analogy I use was if you're in a GPS and you do not know which state you're in, you literally have no idea how to get to where you're going. So, for example, if I have no idea where I am, but I know I want to go to California, well, it'd be a completely different path if I'm coming from Orlando or if I'm coming from Ohio Very different paths.

Michelle Orwick:

Who must just acknowledge where you're at, what is, it is what it is, and from a in a good perspective. This is where I am at and I accept it and I release any judgment then for how I got here and why, and forgive it. Radical forgiveness is not stating that what you're forgiving was right, but it is really saying I'm not going to be poisoned from this anymore. I'm actually going to leave it in the past so that I can move forward. So from that place of radical forgiveness and radical acceptance, we can move forward into radical expansion.

Michelle Orwick:

When we're in radical expansion, we know where we are and we know where we're going, because the magician's tool is choice. Right, you can't go anywhere if you don't know where you're going either. So the other half of the GPS is that you must set a direction and go in that direction. You can always change course, but to get from A to B, you must know where A is and where B is, and from in between is the journey. And that's where we are right now.

Michelle Orwick:

Identify A and let go of anything that is telling you that it isn't possible to get what you want at B. So letting go of anything that is not the idea, is not the plan, is not the direction you want to go, if it doesn't fit your future, it should not be cluttering up your present and as you are moving forward and you'll gain so much momentum right now just by choosing where you're going and start acting as if you are already there on the journey. It's a beautiful, beautiful opportunity. Right now, no planets, not one, are direct, I mean are in retrograde for the next two months. So every planet is direct. Everything is working with you, through you and for you right now. So pretty much the idea that I'm leaning into for you right now is to state here's where I'm at. If I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, let go of the overwhelm. If I'm feeling a little bit hopeless, forgive the hopelessness and accept it and then choose where you're going and move forward with grace and ease and love and joy. That's the plan right now.

Michelle Orwick:

If you need help doing that, I opened up two VIP days for the month of February. Those are very special. I rarely do them. Usually once or twice a year I'll open up a few days in my calendar for VIP days. That's a very big special bonus because it means we work together magically. We maybe do some healing, we maybe do some some coaching. Really it's crafted directly for you. And the second thing I have is, if you feel like you need something a little bit more, the Align with your Light coaching program. I do have a few more spaces getting ready to close those spaces out here in the next couple of weeks, just because I know I'm going to be traveling in April.

Michelle Orwick:

So if you've been thinking about coaching, now would be the time. Pick up either an Align with your Light coaching program or a VIP day, because I am going to be taking a little bit of a sabbatical for the first time this year. I'm going to take a month, a complete month, to just travel and enjoy myself and work on my studies and do some things out of the country for a little bit. I'm going to go to Egypt and hang out with my friends, hi, hedtham and Noha. I can't wait to see you and if that's something you want to do with me, I'm actually working on a trip later in November and seeing if another group of people want to go with me in November. So if you're interested in traveling to Egypt this year, that's another reason to send me a message.

Michelle Orwick:

But in the meantime, just remember, get clear, get focused, let go of that which is holding you back, because there's no better time than right now to be in the doing. The expanding, the creating Aquarian timeframe is all about envisioning and creating and doing something that's never been done before. So if you are like I've never done this, I don't know, the answer is this is the perfect time. If it's something you've always dreamed about or something you have never done. Now is actually the perfect time to start putting that in place and just moving forward fearlessly With all of that. I will see you again next week. I love you very much. Live magically.