Living Magically Podcast

Finding Freedom with the Leap Year Portal | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

February 26, 2024 Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 10
Finding Freedom with the Leap Year Portal | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick
Living Magically Podcast
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Living Magically Podcast
Finding Freedom with the Leap Year Portal | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick
Feb 26, 2024 Season 2 Episode 10
Michelle Orwick

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Embark on an enchanting journey through the cosmos and the corridors of your own potential with me, Magical Michelle. This episode is a vibrant tapestry of celestial insights, weaving together the transformative energies of the 2.2.2 portal and the awakening promise of the 3.3 portal. As we glide past the rare leap year date of 2/29, I'll share how these pivotal moments offer a unique gateway for personal and technological leaps forward. Anticipate a blend of astrology and magic, as we examine the dynamic alignment of Mars in Aquarius with Jupiter in Taurus, and prepare to shed the worn-out layers of self to welcome a future brimming with newfound freedom.

Feel your spirit soar as I recount my soul-stirring conversation with Eric from "A Mythic Life" podcast, a dialogue that truly mirrors the essence of living magically. With the upcoming 3.3 activation and the Pisces new moon ushering in the eclipse season, we stand at the threshold of profound shifts that beckon us toward a life of enchantment. Whether you're a seasoned astrological aficionado or a newcomer to the mystical arts, this episode will guide you to harness the power of choice and proactive transformation, helping you to fast-track your journey to a life where every day is an act of devotion to your soul's evolution. So light a candle, clutch your favorite crystal, and let's navigate the path to freedom and magic together.

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As Always, Live Magically!

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Embark on an enchanting journey through the cosmos and the corridors of your own potential with me, Magical Michelle. This episode is a vibrant tapestry of celestial insights, weaving together the transformative energies of the 2.2.2 portal and the awakening promise of the 3.3 portal. As we glide past the rare leap year date of 2/29, I'll share how these pivotal moments offer a unique gateway for personal and technological leaps forward. Anticipate a blend of astrology and magic, as we examine the dynamic alignment of Mars in Aquarius with Jupiter in Taurus, and prepare to shed the worn-out layers of self to welcome a future brimming with newfound freedom.

Feel your spirit soar as I recount my soul-stirring conversation with Eric from "A Mythic Life" podcast, a dialogue that truly mirrors the essence of living magically. With the upcoming 3.3 activation and the Pisces new moon ushering in the eclipse season, we stand at the threshold of profound shifts that beckon us toward a life of enchantment. Whether you're a seasoned astrological aficionado or a newcomer to the mystical arts, this episode will guide you to harness the power of choice and proactive transformation, helping you to fast-track your journey to a life where every day is an act of devotion to your soul's evolution. So light a candle, clutch your favorite crystal, and let's navigate the path to freedom and magic together.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically, part two. For those of you who are listening for the first time, we had my first recording interrupted and I'm just starting over because it's just easier and better. Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, or sometimes called Magical Michelle, and this is your energy and astrology forecast for the week of February 26, 2024. And it is one more week as we are finishing up the energy of the 222 portal on the 29th with leap year and then starting the energy of the three three portal that begins next week. We also are in that last month of no planets in retrograde, which is a sweet spot for anything that you're doing. Right now, as we are recording this, it is the last day of the energy of the of the Virgo Full Moon. It was Saturday and it was very intense and it always takes three days and I hear a lot of people are having a little bit of an energy hangover. And, because it is Pisces season, I just recommend that you take as much time resting, rest your body, get extra sleep. Pisces season is all about your dreams, both your logical dreams, like actual dream time dreams, and so therefore, getting good sleep is part of that, getting good rest as well as dreaming your reality, because it's right before the next big season, which is Aries season, which is new beginnings, and this particular Aries season will be quite a doozy, with an eclipse and an Aries spring equinox and and all the things that we will get to talk about at another time. I do want to focus here on the fact that we did have three solar flares and we're going to get some more. So if you're feeling like you're tired and sleepy, just know that this can be a massive recalibration in your body. So take time to rest, rejuvenate. That's always good with the disseminating full moon. When we have a moon moving back out of full and into its darkness, that's time for letting go, and we will have this last period of letting go before eclipse season. The Pisces new moon that will be in two weeks will begin the eclipse season. So this is no, no retrogrades and no eclipses for just a couple more weeks. So Let go, recalibrate, rest.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

With the 222, we have this 229, which is a magical time. It is an opportunity for a quantum leap. We only have we only have, you know, one of those every four years. So think about where you want a quantum leap to in four years. When I do this, I review and go backwards. I look at where I was in the end of February 2020. And I see that was when I was just beginning to make my online business. I had left my office at the end of December 2019, and I had made the declaration to the world. I wanted to go online and it was almost like I knew the universe was pushing me toward this next place.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And it's happening again, where I'm going into more, more podcasting, more things. That is, deeper technology, because that is where we're going in the next four years astrologically. We're gonna be deepening our progress with technology and as we do that, you're gonna see us making leaps exponentially in all the fields of technology and research and all of those things. So notice where you wanna be and think about this as a moment of recalibration and getting onto the right timeline and the right track to be where you wanna be four years from now. That's the magical energy of a leap day and you'll get that this Thursday and with that, we have some major energy where Mars is gonna be in Aquarius and it is conjuncting the Jupiter in Taurus, so you're going to be seeing this as a need to fight for letting go of your old beliefs to create new earth and to kind of let go of an old identity, because Pisces season and this new energy that is here in the ethers right now is all about freedom. But to gain freedom you must let go of your old past and your identity. So that's the work that's being called in right now.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Just like I am kind of in this place where I am letting go of the old and stepping into the new, for me that new is more work in the podcast world, and I'm excited, really excited, to announce that I was interviewed this week by one of my dear friends, eric, and he has this podcast called A Mythic Life, and it's so aligned with the living magically philosophy. Basically it is a similar philosophy, and so he did this interview and I'd love to share it with you. I have looked up to Eric since I first heard about him in 2010. He and his partner, sarah, are amazing Theta healers. He's a Theta healing certified, certificate of science instructor and has been doing it a very long time, and our philosophy about how we live our life is so similar and we had this amazing conversation. So I recommend this podcast a thousand percent and we had such a good time and I just want to share that with you. In return, I'm committing to starting to do some interviews of people who really do live a magical life, and I'll be interviewing Eric and 15 of my other most magical friends and we'll start doing those podcasts and you'll be seeing those in April, because my commitment to you is more podcasts in my new living magically interview season and I'm pretty excited about it.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And that's the energy. What are you committing to? What is going to create that next path of freedom for you and what is that going to bring to your table? There's some really profound energy and it's powerful, as we're going into the three-three portal and it's going to start on Sunday with the three-three activation, which is body, mind and spirit, and you're going to see a lot of as above, so within, so within yourself. As above, so below, so within. And when that happens, you're going to see March as the turning point.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We're going to start eclipse season with the Pisces new moon and with that we're also going to see a change as we have. We have the first of our eclipses as a Libra full moon eclipse, followed in April by an Aries eclipse, and that's the big one that everyone's been talking about and it's going to cross over America. So it will literally be activating all the Americans with that new moon in Aries and it's going to be affecting our Aries North Node and literally our entire country and everybody who lives in it. So that means you if you live in the Northern Hemisphere of America, so you're probably starting to feel that now. So again, this is that last little bit of letting go season before we get into into that big energy.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

When I look at this and when I think about it, I encourage you to do whatever you need to do first with this leap day, really encouraging you to see yourself quantumly where you want to be, because four years is a long time. First, look back at where were you four years ago, how much has changed, and know that with the energy speeding up in new earth and these higher timelines that, think about that as three times more is possible in the next four years. And a way to activate that is to see yourself already there. And I will see that as a whole weekend energy from the 29th into the third of March. That's really the weekend's energy from from the 29th on that leap day all the way to that portal day of three, three.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

What identity must you let go of to be free of the old constraints? When there's power in freedom, there is still a letting go process. So what is it that you're going to let go of and what is it you're going to activate and see yourself as? And it all hits your, your brain, in a way that this is where Pisces season gets a little tricky, because we are moving almost too rapidly and it can feel like a lot, but that's sort of been the word, words around my world. I've heard it from clients, I hear it, marissa, and I say it to each other it's a lot, it's what we want. We're making the changes to grow.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And why do they call it growing pains? Because growth is sometimes uncomfortable. You can't be the old version of you. If you want something different, if you want to lose weight, you've got to eat something different or do more exercise or just be different. If you want to grow your business, you can't do it by doing exactly the same thing. If you want to be building a relationship, whether that's one you've already been in, maybe it's gotten out of whack and you want to get it to a better place, you've got to have the uncomfortable conversations of how do we get this back on track.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And for those of you who are manifesting a divine compatible, it is a perfect time for that. There is enormous amounts of energy toward finding compatible soulmates, especially in the month of March, and you must already be the vibration of love within yourself before you call in another person to fulfill that missing piece. You must be whole and complete first before you bring someone else in. I'm an absolute opposition of the Jerry Maguire. You complete me energy. You want to be whole and complete, otherwise you're going to become codependent. So, whether you're in a relationship or whether you're trying to attract one and that can be any kind of relationship business, friendship or romantic, any kind of relationship make sure that you're whole and therefore you're complete, and then they will be complete and you can have an interdependent relationship where it's based on mutual respect versus codependence, where it's about basically guilt and shame and just difficulties. So those are the big things that are happening in the field right now.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So get yourself relaxed and clear. Do some letting go work, do some thinking work. See where you want to be in the quantum field for years from now. That's the most perfect way to harness the energy right now is activating that, for because April is going to be the most intense month astrologically for the whole year. It's going to be powerful, it's going to be activating our charts here in the United States and when that happens you want to be ready.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Personally, you want to be on the fast train already, in first class, and remember you can arrive at your destination the easy way. Remember it does not have to be hard. You can make upgrades in a very joyful, pleasant way, especially especially if you are doing so from a place of choice, when you do it because this is what you want and you're going to do it even though it's a little uncomfortable to do it, versus getting drug along because you didn't act, because you didn't make any choices, you're just following along with the universe. Sometimes that's not the best way. The power tool is choice. So decide and focus and get clear on where you want to be. Check to see if it's possible, check to see if it's possible for you and if it doesn't feel true, go ahead and do the belief work, that the shadow work that would be required to get there and that will absolutely bring you to the fast track, the easy path, the path to freedom, which is the focus right now. This is an absolute quantum jump into the freedom you have been looking for.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I'm actually excited for us all astrologically right now. I'm excited for the opportunity that March brings and April brings, and even May. It's really an opportunity to see in this first or the next three months, this next exact quarter of a year, a massive, rapid change. A lot can happen in 90 days, a lot can happen in 12 weeks, which is exactly what I'm saying. If you take a snapshot of yourself right now, make a decision where you want to be in four years and where you want to be in 90 days, and just go for it.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is the path to freedom and I believe in you and that's how we live magically. We don't do it small, we don't do it sitting down. We do it with candles and crystals and positive mindset. And remember every day is an act of magic. Every action is an act of devotion to yourself. Everything is an opportunity to a deeper sacred commitment to your soul's evolution and when you do that, you're going to live a magical life, and when you get there, you're going to be living a mythical life. So I just reiterate please go watch this fabulous interview with Eric that I had and I'll see you guys again next week and remember to live magically.

Navigating the Energy Shifts
The Path to Freedom and Magic