Living Magically Podcast

Following Your True North Node from the Lense of Love | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Magical Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 7

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Prepare to harness the cosmic winds and ignite personal metamorphosis as we traverse the energetic tides of a transformative New Moon in Aquarius and the vibrant Year of the Dragon. With a celestial landscape free from retrogrades, the stage is perfectly set for you to initiate change within and across society. Journey with us into the profound 20-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius, an epoch of revolutionary transformation, and learn how to ride the solar currents affecting our vitality. As we anticipate the dream-laden Pisces season, it's time to purify our inner world, shed the weight of past habits, and step boldly into a future of clarity and decisive action. I share wisdom from Joe Dispenza on casting off the chains of our former selves and reconstructing how we interact with the world around us—prepare for a renaissance of your being.

Navigate your path towards true north with the beacon of astrology guiding you to embrace your intrinsic worth and evolve with the universe. This episode is a treasure trove of personal techniques for self-discovery through meditation, journaling, and the transformative power of self-love and acceptance. Weaving a tapestry of forgiveness and the art of letting go, we visualize severing ties with what no longer serves us, reclaiming our energy, and stepping into our inherent power. Looking forward to the astrological dynamics of the Aries North Node's conjunction with Chiron and the Aries eclipse, I'll walk you through how to fortify the 'I am' within, and align with your personal mission. Let the power of fire and dreams catalyze your journey, and may love illuminate every step towards your ultimate fulfillment.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and this week we have a big settling energy coming in and I know that seems like a little bit contradictory, but we're here on Monday and it's just a couple days after this absolutely sensationally big new moon in Aquarius and that brought in the year of the dragon, and we're deep in Aquarius season and this is definitely one of those game-changing astrological timeframes and I can't reiterate enough how we're in a moment in psychic, spiritual, astrological history. We have been waiting as astrologers for this. I remember people talking seven, eight years ago, in like 2017 or so, about this shift that was happening right here in 2024. We have Pluto now really owning its Aquarian age and that's a 20-year transit, and so I know I've been talking about this for weeks, but the truth is we're setting up for years. We're setting up for 20 years of this new energy and it may not be incredibly personal yet. It may not be that you feel everything has to be different. In fact, quite a few people noticed that they were maybe a little bit run down this weekend, that they were a little bit tired this weekend. It's because we're in a shift. We had some massive solar flares and we're gonna continue to have that throughout this week. We're seeing some cosmic energy coming from the Sun and we're seeing this one last week where we're in Aquarius, before we go into Pisces season. We have no planets in retrograde and I can't tell you how useful that is. So even if you're tired, it might be that you're really dreaming in this reality. If you're noticing that you don't have this drive, that's probably gonna change around the 13th. Mars is gonna move and when Mars moves it's going to have that opportunity.

Michelle Orwick:

The 13th and 14th may actually be a little less of that fun-loving you know Valentine's Day energy and more about a drive for the causes in your own life. It could be that you're into causes for the world. If you're a spiritual leader, a warrior of sorts toward the universe, you could be really starting to get like lit up underneath you for your causes. This is gonna cause us to, as we look at, what do we want to change in this world? This 20-year transit of Pluto and Aquarius is absolutely asking us to be the light leaders, to be the warriors of the new Earth, and it may even look this year like the whole world is falling apart, and sometimes it does. It has to fall apart, to be able to put it all back together in a different way, something that's not working. If you've ever come in and the plumber has torn the sink apart, or the electrician has pulled the wall apart, or you're trying to build something, it often looks like a disaster before it gets fixed or something new gets installed.

Michelle Orwick:

And I think that's where we're going to be for a little bit, where we're tearing down old systems, and that may be something for you happening in your own body right now. You may be going through a detox or a desire to detox, or a deep desire to get healthier in some way, whether that's eliminating a toxic food item or drink item. I've heard a lot of people actually that are letting go of alcoholic or toxic substances, which sugars a toxic substance. So if there's this call to let go of things that don't make you feel good, lean into it. It's the perfect time for that release and even though we're in that new moon, which is a manifesting cycle, we are really in this place where clarity is coming in. That's the mind, that's the feelings, and we're going to have a no retrograde Pisces season, which happens later this week. Early next week we're going to move into Pisces and that's going to start the dreaming season.

Michelle Orwick:

Right now we're in the clarity season, and so getting that clarity and maybe taking the first little baby steps of action and that's what Mars is going to ask you to do on the 13th 14th that's going to really ask you, what is your heart leaning into? We're going to have a lot of new energy coming in, and so, if you want to celebrate Valentine's Day in a new way, try looking at the world through rose colored glasses and it's always my time of year to put on the big love glasses. Think about what is your world going to be like if you were to get rid of all the negative. You've probably been looking at the world through your very microscopic glasses of nitpicking for the last 10 years of your life that's maybe even 20, with the way we've been, the way we've been in the universal consciousness. I'm going to ask you to put on your rose colored glasses, your big heart glasses, and see it from the perspective. The aquarium perspective to me is one of massive change and innovation, and when you're in the year of the dragon, we're talking about courage, and the courage to actually be the change behind your desires. So if you want a new world, you're gonna need to go out and you're gonna have to do something to be different. And I love Joe Dispenza.

Michelle Orwick:

This is really kind of like my book of the month right now, which is actually to change your own self. You've got to change the habits that create who you've been. So there's a book out there on the market which is Joe Dispenza's the Habit of being Yourself I think that's the name of it. But you're basically changing your habits, and changing yourself allows you to actually change who you are. Because if we are 100% just the habits and mind and thoughts and beliefs that we put together, by changing our beliefs and changing our habits we actually get to become breaking the habit of being yourself. That's the name of the book Sorry, I couldn't get the name wrapped around it but breaking the habit of being yourself. And that is to create this version of you that is going to have the habits, going to have the mindset, going to have the choices of who you are becoming and who you wanna be.

Michelle Orwick:

You can't be the old version of you and still make change. You can't do it exactly the same and have it be a new version of you, the only way you're going to change is to actually change, and so that might mean detoxing some negative people from your life. Right now, that might mean saying no to a night out on the town with some wine. That might say no to going and getting the ice cream sundae, even though it's part of a fun field trip. Right now, we're being tasked to find our true north, and what's interesting is later this week, toward the weekend, the 19th, we're going to have this massive north node, conjunct chiron, and so this is your wounded healer, and it's all gonna come down to Aries, and Aries is all about the beginning of the self and being the self. So, as a wounded healer, it's going to be asking you what are your wounds, what are your old habits? Because, as we are becoming the most supernatural version of ourselves, there's the old that has to be let go, and this is what people have told you you have to be.

Michelle Orwick:

A lot of times, I feel like this new season is who told you you were broken? Who told you that you couldn't, that you weren't enough, that you were fat, that you were stupid, that you were anything? Who told you that? And would you even buy a scoop of ice cream from that person? Would you put any faith into them? A lot of times we go no, that person is deranged. I wouldn't take advice from that person. So think about would you do you actually value the person who told you you weren't enough, that you weren't good enough, and really start writing?

Michelle Orwick:

What I'm noticing and I've noticed this a lot with my clients and my students this week is that the person or the people, or the belief that they're not enough or that they can't do something came from a place that isn't true, and they're usually very well supported by so many people that are trying to tell them. There's a lot of people in most of their lives that are telling them how amazing they are and they won't listen. Take a second and I really want you to think about this Are you able to receive a compliment If someone said, if I called you up and said, wow, you're freaking amazing at such and such and such and such, will you deflect my compliment and be like, oh yeah, no, that didn't happen. Or oh, this old dress. Or oh, I just got my haircut. It's just a good haircut.

Michelle Orwick:

What is it? That is, are you deflecting in any way the compliments or the other people's vision of your greatness? So I'm putting those glasses back on. How can you start looking at yourself through rose-colored, heart-shaped glasses, like the heart emoji? Can you start looking at yourself from the eyes and lens of love? There's a real big piece here with this Chiron and Aries true north node conjunction that's happening this weekend of can you look at yourself from a place of your greatness? Can you look at yourself? I mean, it's Valentine's Day week, so I'm going to say can you really look at yourself with the eyes of complete self-love and even self-acceptance?

Michelle Orwick:

The great Louise Hay actually used to say this all the time is I completely love and accept myself. I completely love and accept myself. I completely love and accept myself and I want you to say that until it is true. I want you to feel that in your cells, in your bones, in your blood. I completely love and accept myself. That's my truth, that's who I am, and from that place I would invite you to own your power, own your skills, own your greatness, own your genius. There's a real Power if you want to become something you want to manifest, something you want to or desire to have something different in your life right now. Own your gifts right now. Own your amazingness right now, be your absolute own best friend, be your own best advocate. You're actually looking in that mirror or into your self-talk and talk about your greatness to yourself.

Michelle Orwick:

I think we're all so afraid to be narcissists right now. We're all afraid to be too self-involved or be not sensitive enough. And the truth is, if you don't love yourself, no one else will. If you don't own your greatness, no one else is going to be able to show it to you. And if you start treating yourself like a divine being, if you start treating yourself like a living embodiment of the divine, then others are going to have to start treating you that way. I, this year and in the last well, I, it's been true, for at least four or five years now, but really have had an opportunity with this particular year in 2024, to see just how loved and supported I am. But I guarantee I would have deflected all of that love and support in the past by feeling a fear of obligation. So the other piece here is allow people to support you, allow people to give you gifts, allow people to think you're fabulous and wonderful. So that's.

Michelle Orwick:

The other thing is, if there is somebody out there telling you how great you are from a non-manipulative way, stop deflecting your greatness. And that's the power, right now, of the astrology. The astrology is saying if you really want to find your true north, you can. So if you're in meditation right now, that's the question what is my true north? What is the direction I am going in? From a place of self-love and from a place of self-acceptance and the desire to make a change for myself and possibly a change for the world. It's a great time to be in that inquire. It's a great time to actually journal. It's a perfect time actually to be asking those bigger questions. And I have a process where I actually ask the question out loud and journal the answer, because you're switching brainwaves. When I am asking a question to my subconscious, I will literally say it out loud and see what I write out to myself and sometimes I surprise myself. So it's a really powerful time for that frequency of love and acceptance.

Michelle Orwick:

So take a moment and think about that one quality you need to maybe forgive in your life. Maybe it's something you haven't done, maybe it's something you did do, maybe it's something you've got the shoulda's and the woulda's and the coulda's something that maybe is holding you back. Take a second, close your eyes and let's do this together and just maybe place your hands lovingly on your heart and be in that. I love you and I forgive you and I set you free. Maybe there's someone out there that you need to set free outside of you. I forgive you and I love you and I set you free. And then maybe there's the actions you haven't taken. I release you and accept radically exactly where you are.

Michelle Orwick:

So, with this radical expansion that's coming as we are moving through this energy, we must radically accept ourselves and where we're at. There's no roadmap that starts without knowing where you are. You have to. If you're ever standing at like one of those maps in the mall, it says you are here now.

Michelle Orwick:

Wherever you are, you can't change the past. Right here, right now, is the astrology Be here now and that's not gonna change. That's part of our new age is we cannot step backwards into the past. We can learn from the past, but we can't be in the past. We can't change the past. We can take accountability for the past, we can even do something different, but the only way we're gonna have the future we desire is not to be limited by the past, and this includes if you've tried something and it didn't work or you weren't successful. Please don't limit yourself right now. This is a new age and a new you and a new version of the energies, and everything up to here has been an experiment to lead you to who you are today, so that you know what you can do in the future.

Michelle Orwick:

So right now, literally take a moment. Let's close our eyes with our hands on our hearts and literally put, imagine putting all the files of the past into perspective. Past is the past, it's over, it's marked here as complete. The past is the past. And then I want you to reconnect here with your internal GPS. I am here now, so really today, whether that's you're watching this live on the 12th, or whether you're watching this on the 13th or even the 14th, whenever you're watching it, I recalibrate, just like you would if you were listening to a GPS.

Michelle Orwick:

I recalibrate, I'm here now and I want you to take a moment and just settle into your alignment and think about what is in alignment for this version of you that you are now and going forward from here, so you're accepting where you are, you're accepting who you are, you're forgiving the past. You're accepting the past. You're owning right now your power and your greatness. So call your power back to you. That's cutting any cords, that's releasing any ties to that past or any projections onto you from another person. Go ahead and imagine cutting that cord. Go ahead and imagine letting all of that other stuff be removed. And I am here now and I am powerful, and I'm gonna use the term I am great and I am full, because gratitude is the attitude of manifestation. But in this, when you're owning your own power, I want you to own your greatness. I am great and I want you to be full. So if you've been tired, let's reclaim your energy. Or if you've been off track, let's reclaim your energy and just see yourself return to alignment and refill your energy field, refill it from a place of overflow. And I can and I will and I do and I am, because it's the power of I am.

Michelle Orwick:

That is the Aries North Node, Aries conjunction that we're going into over the weekend with Chiron. This is a really beautiful opportunity to be I am and in moving forward energy as we move through Pisces season, which is the dreaming season and then we've got a powerhouse of an April. That's when we're gonna start seeing the end of March and April. We're gonna start seeing the eclipses and the most potent eclipse for the entire year is in the early part of April and we're gonna be seeing that Aries energy around it. So I want you to think about the fact that we're gonna have an Aries eclipse coming and that is the I am energy, and so who are you? Who are you now and what is the GPS of where you're going? So where is your true North?

Michelle Orwick:

That's the request, and you can use this energy of the year of the dragon, the fire energy.

Michelle Orwick:

But think of it interesting dragon is fire and Aries is fire, but it's a wood dragon.

Michelle Orwick:

So this wood dragon is going to fuel the fire.

Michelle Orwick:

There is, finally, energy and fuel behind your dreams, your desires and your goals, and I really think that that's one of these aspects of opportunity that's happening right now as we look for our future.

Michelle Orwick:

Be here now, but also be fueled with the fire of your dreams and your desires and burn away, if you need to, the past. Burn away your should of what it could as, because, as you're burning those, it's going to be fuel for making your dreams come true, for taking aligned action as we go forward. And, like I said, it's one heck of an astrological opportunity right now to become, to be, to experience from the lens of love where you're going. So, again, thank you for coming in this week. I'm magical, michelle. If you're interested in working with me right now, I do have the align with the light coaching program. I have one VIP day and I could probably take up to two people for coaching right now and I would love to be of service to you. In the meantime, take really good care of yourself, look toward that North node, be fueled by the fire of action and move forward fearlessly and with love, from the lens of love, and just remember to live magically. Let go.