Living Magically Podcast

Sage Voices: Exploring the Path to Living Magically with Eric Brumett | Interview Series | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Magical Michelle Orwick and Eric Brumett • Season 3 • Episode 2

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Have you ever wondered how daily rituals could amplify your life's abundance and wellbeing? This is what I explore with Eric from the Mythic Life podcast, as we share a tapestry of insights on the art of intentional living. We delve into the personal significance of rituals, from the simple act of smudging with intention to the profound impact of communal ceremonies. Eric brings a wealth of knowledge from his diverse cultural background and unveils how these practices are being lovingly woven into the fabric of his family's Hudson Valley life. Our conversation reaches its peak with the excitement surrounding an upcoming solar eclipse, revealing the spontaneous magic that awaits when we align ourselves with celestial events.

As we transition into the energy of the spring equinox, join us on a journey of self-discovery through ThetaHealing. I unfold the narrative of how foundational basics and transformative downloads contribute to personal growth, and the pivotal role virtues play in our healing process. We touch on the importance of being present and mindful, a lesson inspired by my mother's approach to life. You'll also hear my passion for deepening connections with angelic energies, as well as the necessary preparations for spiritual work to ensure clarity and prevent unintended consequences. 

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I am your host, Magical Michelle, and I am here today with my good friend and getting better friend, eric. He is the head of the Mythic Life podcast that he shares with his business partner and life partner, Sarah, and I'd love you to tell us a little bit about your mythical life, which is kind of well mythical, hi.

Eric Brumett:

Well know where should I start my my life has just been feeling like an Epic journey and I am always so, so happy to be working with and supporting others and really waking up their intuition and listening intuitively to like leading a soul led life. You know, that's really the intention of mythic life and the work that I do with people is to support them in really recognizing that level of consciousness. And I think for so many people a mythic life can be so many different things. It can be being a parent, you know. It can be gardening, it can be also getting more into the other realms of what is possible, possible and that's always been the place where I've really been drawn to is into a little bit more of the esoteric and play and wanting to bring ritual into my life.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I think that's where we really meet intellectually is that we want every day to be a little bit of a spiritual ritual and a celebration of life. I think that's something we agree upon.

Eric Brumett:

Absolutely, it's become a necessity for me. You know, I find when I take a vacation from having ritual having tradition, a vacation from having ritual having tradition, um, just what happens in my thoughts and my feelings and my health and my habits, like I, I can fall to these really strange mundane places if I don't hold that sense of spiritual practice um, it's, and then manifestation stop, like when I'm not listening to you know that spirit guide. All of a sudden I get grumpy, my abundance shrinks, like all these things happen. So it's taken a lot to really learn and listen to that side. You know, even from practicing Theta Healing as my, you know, one of my main methods, my tools that I use, not a ritual, it's, it's a tool.

Eric Brumett:

And I love exploring that other side and really creating that design of of um, of practice of ritual. You know, like what is it? The actual art form of it? Like what is that art form of smudging, you know, is it's not just lighting sage and letting it do its thing. Obviously it has consciousness to it, it does its job with lighting it as an incense and letting it just burn, but actually getting into the art form of intention and focus and like playing with it to make it more ritualized, having it hold more intention, and holding that. You know, you know what is art.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Oh, wow, that's a whole nother fabulous question. What is art? And I don't know if we want to do that today, but here's, here was my. My first thought when I was excited about interviewing you today was that I know that you create ceremony and, and and, very intentionally, and it's, it's a pretty, it's a pretty powerful year this year. And it's, it's a pretty, it's a pretty powerful year this year.

Eric Brumett:

Is there any specific ceremonies that you're excited about creating right now?

Eric Brumett:

It feels like a real renaissance for me personally, because I grew up in a community.

Eric Brumett:

In my formative years I didn't get to be in that community into like my adolescence, but I would always visit it for its ceremonies, for its rituals. You know, I grew up in the foothills of the Sierras, surrounded by these wild beatniks living out in the woods that were these return to nature people that you know they, my parents, homesteaded um 15 acres and we lived with kerosene lamps and outhouses and, and you know, no electricity and and um, there were two real main traditional times that the whole community would come together and that was for a May Day festival and for Halloween. And we would come together and we would have these ceremonies and rituals of you know the nymphs coming out with the green man and holding that and blowing the conches in the four directions, calling in the elements and the directions and having a big altar out in the middle of the field and then carrying that on into the maypole and a big potluck and then bonfires and staying up all night doing Native American gambling games and stuff and like that sounds amazing.

Eric Brumett:

It was this incredible experience and it was something that anchored so much for me when I was a child and now I'm living up in the Hudson Valley, um, where there is a lot of that culture. There's a lot of community here and you know, as a family, I'm wanting to bring that for my kids now, because I can always have ceremony and ritual for myself. Personally, I bring it into my daily life in different ways, but that's definitely one that I'm looking to really create with some of the community around me is is to come together in a collective and bring some of those traditions forward. You know from the Ridge kids from, you know the Nevada city community that I was born into and bring that forward. So that's something that I'm working on right now with with some of the other families. You know my, my daughter, goes to a Waldorf school here locally and and there's a really awesome culture around us. So that's.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

That's kind of awesome and we have that community in central Florida. I'm I'm really lucky we we can create sound healings just organically. Talking about the last solar eclipse and you were talking about going up on a mountain and having an experience, and I think that's exactly what we mean by living magically is not necessarily always knowing what you're going to experience, but the intention to create and allow an experience.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah, and we're coming up. You know we're recording this obviously before the solar eclipse, but that's one that is going to be a very personal one. But that's one that is going to be a very personal one. This solar eclipse has a significant meaning for my family because it actually falls on the yard side, which is the year anniversary of a death of Sarah, my wife's father, who was also a Leo. So it's really interesting, you know the Leo son and being in this full solar eclipse on his yard side is going to be really significant. So as a family we're all going up and going to really hold that for a connection with his spirit. And you know, it's an interesting thing Like what really cast me on a lot of exploration of life and those questions of what life's about, what is possible, and really kind of challenging what life is.

Eric Brumett:

It was actually going through my father being sick and dying when I was 14. And you know that happening at that age and then going into this adolescence, I did it in a very unstructured way. I kind of lost myself to a lot of things and explored, unfortunately without having structure. It had a real consequence and this is something that I learned from Theta is that, you know, we are engaged with the planes of existence and there is obligation and exchange. And that's what's so beautiful about these traditions of ritual is that they designed them. They were mechanics, they were metaphysical mechanics.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

They're formulas. They healing is a formula, and so is so many of these powerful traditions.

Eric Brumett:

Absolutely shaman will know to clear the space, create the altar, cleanse and purify the people that are participating. Before going into the ritual, you know like there's steps and tools that are used to create and facilitate, and this is where learning and studying and really getting deeper into those, those histories of of looking at them more as techniques, you know in their traditions, can empower us to utilize the tools and to find what can authentically work, honoring their traditions but also bringing it forward, bringing it modern.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

When I hear you say that, that I think about the fact that when we're in the theta healing brainwave and we're using the process, we are surrendering the old, like if we're doing healing, we're taking something out and surrendering it, and that is exactly what the shaman is doing. If we're creating a ritual where we're doing a burning ritual, we're surrendering it to the element instead of necessarily to the seventh plane, but the element is a plane and a part of that plane of existence. So it's just a different formula that works right. Release something, because you have to have room to be able to bring something in. Then we create an energy state to be able to receive what it is we're calling, because so many people, I think where they get mixed up in manifesting is that they think it's outside of them, but they have to be in a state, an energy vibration, to be able to receive the thing absolutely absolutely and I think that that's why we we create ritual and ceremony and um and healing experiences is to create that state of mind.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah, yeah, you know, through that place it does bring spirit into our daily life. It really opens up to actually what is around us. Um, you know, it fills the air with life force and, um, that's where we do get to start to have these awesome experiences and and stories. You know, um, from that place you can start to open up into those mystical places. You know, I have to say it, dragons are real. You know, there actually are fairy portals. There really are these places that are really incredible and, yes, people can just stumble upon having a metaphysical experience. But when you bring tradition and ritual in to also personal development, you know, working on beliefs and having the tools to practice, to open up consciousness, you then start to experience it. You start to realize that oh wait, I'm not just having a thought, I'm speaking with an ancestor. You know, like these types of places, and it expands the universe, it expands the world around us.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I have a a I have a question for you. I really want to know because for me, theta healing was the tool that made that expansion for me, like I was already doing. Of course, I was already a reiki person and I was already teaching crystals and stuff, but I know that that Theta Healing became the, the, the portal for me to be able to have more room in my energy field, to to be more magical. But I always want to know from a teacher like you, cause you've been teaching Theta Healing a really long time, how many years first of all, like 12 or 13.

Eric Brumett:


Magical Michelle Orwick:

There you go. So you're not just old school, You're first school of theta healing right.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah, I think I was the second graduating class of the basic training.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

That's amazing. So what I really want to know, the big question, is which class is your favorite to teach? I know it's a hard question, Like how many of your children. Which one's your favorite? I know it's a hard question Wow, wow, um wow. Should have warned you.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah, that's. That's a big question. I mean for me.

Eric Brumett:

I definitely circulate to really the basic theta healing course, circulate to really the basic theta healing course. I mean, I absolutely do love them all because each of them has a real unique energy. Um, I think a lot of classes were the evolvement of other classes. You know, like the, the first planes of existence class, which is a five day upper level theta healing course. Uh, the seven planes of existence um was the advanced class. You know, like the, the growth of the technique. It started with basic and then was intuitive anatomy and then I remember being at the first intuitive anatomy. That was the first summer.

Eric Brumett:

I remember I drove to Idaho with a car that most people didn't think would make it there and I was taking bets with people to see if I could make it and it made it all the way there and then as soon as I got there it died and I was stuck in Idaho with a broken car, having to rely on Fianna's family to get rides around and things like that. But you know, I did the basic instructor's course and then stayed for the summer in Idaho and worked out of Vianna's office, you know, just selling crystals and studying and being around waiting for the first intuitive anatomy. And I remember being in that intuitive anatomy and it completely transforms my life. That class really is that deep bootcamp of cleaning out the subconscious. It cleans out the congestion of all those limiting subconscious beliefs. And at that point I was so focused on health because that's what brought me into Theta Healing was having a health crisis that I was going to college doing a nursing program, working on cadavers and studying about the physiology. So the idea of intuitive anatomy, of knowing how to read the body and focusing on being a medical intuitive, was where I started from.

Eric Brumett:

But then, when Vianna and we all started having these big metaphysical experiences because of the amount of time we were spending in Theta, you know, bottles of essential oil were refilling themselves. Theta you know bottles of essential oil were refilling themselves. I remember almost having getting stuck in Baja driving my car because I was running out of gas. I'm over 150 miles from the nearest gas station and my gas is running out and I'm just in Theta going. There's plenty of gas, there's plenty, there's plenty, and watching the gas tank fill up as I drive to a half tank. You know, having these types of experiences is like wait, what's happening? This isn't just doing healing and working on personal development anymore. This is like we're getting into this strange zone that by Anna was getting those messages of oh, you're getting ready for DNA three, but you have to learn, you know, certain things to be able to step into that.

Eric Brumett:

So that's why I personally always put safe seven planes of existence class before DNA three, because once again, it's a formula right To perform an ability. You have to have gone through life lessons to learn a virtue right. And when you look at the downloads in advanced class, most of them is downloading virtues, most of them is virtues. So she was already getting seven planes of existence class all the way back in. You know, was that 2003? It's been 20 years since the first advanced class real focus on I'm in a relationship with creator. I am one with co-creating my life and it really is that activation into free will and those foundational fundamentals of the technique of theta. I always love coming back and teaching basic and getting into the intuitive development of advanced class. Um, you know, the power of downloads is so beautiful and that that those, those courses really do open the door to everything else, so that's why I hold such a kindred energy with them kindred energy with them.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Um, yeah, well, and I I literally my mother, has a saying before she passed. She always said my favorite flower is the one in bloom, and I've sort of translated that to my theta healing teaching to my favorite class is the one I'm teaching, so the people I'm with are the best group I've ever been with in that moment, because I'm really really present with whatever it is that's happening is the best right Right now. Is the always the best?

Eric Brumett:

So true, it's actually a rule in my house that, um, because my daughter would often ask what is your favorite color and I go well, I love them all, but maybe I'm I'm willing to answer what is my favorite today? What is my favorite today I? I like that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Yeah, well, I'm going to ask one more big question and then we'll probably wrap it up. But what are you excited about? Right now, like when we think about living magically, we always think about there's something to get excited about.

Eric Brumett:

What magic are you making right now? Well, you know we just passed the spring equinox and this has been a big year. You know I've been seeing in the world around us, the people I've been working with, and then also in my personal life and with my family, that a lot of people are saying last year was a hard year and you know, growing up and exploring psychedelics, I came to the realization that there's no such thing as a bad trip. There's just levels of, of learning, and that some, some lessons are challenging. And so actually, a a client of mine yesterday we were working and so often we ask, oh, how are you doing? And it's like a person that is spiritually attuned, no matter what's happening in our life, we're great, we're like, oh yeah, life is great. So it's kind of a funny question, um, but yeah, I am really excited in building right now to inviting spirit in more to my relationships and finding those places of connecting with guides. Um, I really feel developing that relationship right now and, um, one of my spiritual goals because I I hold belief and then there is getting into a deeper understanding and knowing and experience.

Eric Brumett:

You know I've experienced a lot of different things in my life, but I'm wanting to attune more and more to the energy of angels. You know I I do. You know crystal layouts and I meet with the council of twelves and I do contract work. You know with with the. You know crystal layouts and I meet with the council of 12s and I do contract work, you know with with the. You know fifth plane tribunal and stuff like that.

Eric Brumett:

I've had a lot of fifth plane experiences and I've worked with spiritual medicines before and connected to deity energies, um, but really that essence and understanding and feeling and experience of an angel outside of just closing my eyes and invoking it through creator and um, is something that, um, I'm really looking to bring in. So, you know, being in this spring energy, I'm kind of looking at, oh, you know, maybe I I'll do a cleanse. So I'm kind of looking at doing a fast coming up here, probably in preparation for, you know, the solar eclipse, just to clean out the vessel a bit and attune to my psychic side a little bit more and, um, I'm really excited to embrace that relationship with with you know, some angelic presence and and feel and really get more familiar with what is angels in that expansion of environment around us, because they're so massive. You know they have such big energies and and have that experience.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

That's. That is exciting. One of these days we've got to be in the same place at the same time and trade. A crystal grid is. You know, most of I teach it too, and and most of the people around me don't, don't practice crystal grid work and I, I just love it. It's, it's quite. It's quite. That is that every experience gets to be building um a deeper relationship with your soul really yeah absolutely, I remember that's what we did.

Eric Brumett:

We would do that every evening almost um vienna and guy, and we would exchange crystal layouts instead of watching tv. You know, we'd go and visit past lives and do so much more entertaining absolutely, absolutely. Uh. That's when we really learned how important it is to make sure we clear our space and clear ourselves before going into them. You know, don't want to be jumping into waywards lives instead.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Oh, no that I can imagine that that could get dangerous, so clear happened a couple of times. Yeah, yeah. Can be distracting. So so the lesson in that is always be really clean with whatever work you're doing, making sure that you're very high on your intention and high on um your, your clarity for the work you're doing.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah and uh. If you're asking to go to heaven, make sure you're asking which heaven to go to as well.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Oh, that's an interesting. Someday I'll want to know more about that.

Eric Brumett:

Yeah, but a galactic starship.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Their idea of heaven. Well, on that note, if they wanted to get a hold of you, how would they? How would to get a hold of you? How would they? How would they get a hold of you?

Eric Brumett:

um, yeah, I mean, if you're wanting to learn more about, you know, mythic life, um, mythiclifecom, um. You know we're on instagram, the mythic life, and you know we do have our podcast as well. It was so wonderful having you on as well, and that's mythic life. Um, you know, so, across the board with the social media is YouTube, where we have a lot of videos on YouTube as well. It's all under mythic life and you can look me up at Eric Brummett. So if you want to email us info at mythic life and um, so if you want to email us info at mythic life, and thank you for having me on.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And I also know you do one of the best theta sharing experiences. At least twice a month you do practice session groups, which I always encourage people to go and do as many practice sessions as they possibly can.

Eric Brumett:

Absolutely. You know, holding that sense of community. And coming to the practice groups, we have them online. It's the Mythic Healers Collective, and so once a month, we do a deep dive on a topic where I walk people through personal work and they work on themselves. And then, um, we have a Q and a once a month and then a session swap, practice group Um. So it's, it's a great collective, it's a great group. Um, yeah, so that's always fun.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Thank you so very much for sharing some time with us. If anybody is looking to just find a little bit of a fun practice, I'm offering 22 days of magic. You can download that. There'll be. It'll be in the link. It's just a little video series to help you get back on track. If you've been off track or maybe maybe this is your first time really getting into a new magical practice, but we are open to receive when we are clear and ready and this will hopefully help some people get ready. So it's called 22 Days of Magic and the link is in the comments. I appreciate you and to all of you who are watching, just have a wonderful time and live magically.