Living Magically Podcast

Sage Voices: Exploring the Path to Living Magically with The Cosmic Mama | Interview Series | Magical Michelle Orwick

Magical Michelle Orwick and The Cosmic Mama Season 3 Episode 5

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Have you ever felt like you were on the brink of discovering something truly magical about yourself? That's the essence of what my captivating guest, Erika, the Cosmic Mama, brought to our conversation. She has transformed into a beacon of creativity and sovereignty, opening her heart about the power of ThetaHealing Life Coaching and the blossoming of her YouTube channel. We traverse the terrain of self-love and the vital nature of recognizing our intrinsic value, all while challenging the status quo and embracing a life filled with unbridled joy and abundance. Erika's journey is a testament to the profound impact that embracing your true self can have on your life, and she generously shares the wisdom gained from her inspiring metamorphosis.

As we delve into the nuances of healing and personal growth, we celebrate the launch of my new self-discovery class available on—a space dedicated to the rejuvenating art of self-parenting. This isn't just about reparenting, it's about empowering ourselves to lay the groundwork for flourishing future relationships. The course promises to be a transformative experience, and we invite you to be part of the inaugural graduating class. Erika's reflections on our shared wisdom cap off an episode that's both enlightening and heartwarming. So, let's nurture our inner magic and give ourselves the gift of a nurturing embrace as we step into a world where every day is a chance to manifest something extraordinary. Thank you, Erika, for the profound insights, and to our listeners for joining us on this enchanting voyage.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, magical Michelle, and I am here with my dear friend. She's my partner in travel and my partner in healing, and I just wanted to introduce you to the magical Erica. Would you like to tell them a little bit about yourself?

Speaker 3:

Well, my name is Erica yourself. Well, my name is erica.

Speaker 2:

My pseudonym is the cosmic mama newly born from being the first lady, erica and um, and which I love, by the way, that these are my vision board.

Speaker 3:

Uh, personalities coming through like, um, these came from, how do you say? Um, personality goals? The reputation goes on. The vision board that. And I was like you know what, I'm gonna be the first lady. So then and then for like five years, I was the first lady. Now I'm the cosmic mama, and that's partly because of you, michelle.

Speaker 2:

Well, because you were really owning your sovereignty. Now you get to own your creativity.

Speaker 3:

That's it Sovereignty and creativity. And because of just deciding to embrace different aspects of myself, deciding to embrace different aspects of myself, I've decided to put that forward as my new, my new reputation goal for the year. And it's really catching and I'm feeling it, and other people are feeling it too, and that's what I'm most proud of, cause it's it's it's not like something where a person tries to be arrogant. It's it's you being authentic but trying to embrace this authentic new part of yourself, or a part, maybe that was submerged, that you don't see, you know. So I enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

Just knowing you over the last couple of years, I really see how you've grown and how, first, starting with the Theta Healing Life Coaching Program, you embraced and healed some things and then you just went for what you wanted.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think when I met you, I really was ready. I really was ready to like break through into something new. And people think like, oh, you've been doing this for a long time. I'm like actually, no, I'm just a newbie. I had a lot of mindset training which is weird. Selling life insurance, I guess it's so hard. They do a lot of mindset training, which is weird. Selling life insurance, I guess it's so hard. They do a lot of mindset training. Think and Grow Rich, the Power of Getting Rich, power of the Subconscious Mind, all those type of books. So I had like all this, basically like strength training.

Speaker 3:

And then 2020, I decided to walk out of the office and spend more time like living. If we were going to be in a demise, then let me live the best I could live at that time. And I started hosting my own YouTube show on the Women Out of Stars channel underneath the Cosmic Mom but we can put that in the link and I just started getting to know people because I was worried about the thoughts people were having. Not just that people were lonely, but one of the things that I heard someone said we shouldn't have father's day and that I was like that is disturbing. They said, yeah, why do we even have father's day? We shouldn't have it anymore that some people were so upset with men Because you know, we got our like you-go-girls support system but people were like so angry with men that they really were.

Speaker 3:

You know, the community I was in, they were really spouting out some stuff. So I started interviewing men and I started asking them are Black men canceled? So that was my first series was are black men canceled? So that was my first series was are black men canceled? And we would get together and just talk about, you know, shut up and vote and different type of stuff like that, and I just really had such a good time, like getting inside people's minds. I think that's just something I always like to do as a Libra.

Speaker 2:

You do have a pretty successful YouTube channel at this point. We'll make sure that we link that for you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah and yeah, I have a great time talking to people. I don't know how long. I never intend to do things forever. I'm like a little. Yeah, I don't want to be stuck, but but I did want to get some messages out there and I wanted to do my part to like open the world up to information. Like I never feel that we should have someone you know, these group of people on a pedestal hearing their voices. I always feel, like the regular people, the worker bees and the next level, that we should be always doing our best to put our messages out there, because I feel like everybody has something to give. So I start interviewing people who don't have channel don't have followings, and aren't you know?

Speaker 3:

and that are nervous and are shy. What?

Speaker 2:

are you passionate about right now? Because you are one of those people that truly lives magically.

Speaker 3:

I would say what I'm passionate about right now is helping people understand their birthright, that life doesn't have to be difficult. Life doesn't have to be hard. You don't have to earn everything. You are now a quantum being. You can call things into existence and you deserve forgiveness, respect, love, all the things that you're too afraid to wish for and hope for. That belongs to you, as long as you are willing to accept it, and I'm just. I guess that's why I'm so grateful about Theta and your classes, because that's really the biggest thing that we're doing is we're doing this for ourselves, so that we can help other people go do it too.

Speaker 2:

Right To get a healing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, get a man in. Like your class this weekend was amazing because everyone you know everyone that we worked with we had what we needed for each other and it was just this reciprocation of healing. But you know they say they say what would you do if you had a million dollars? So that's saying like, oh, if I didn't need to work for money, what would you just do for fun? And I'm already doing that. Like I talk to interesting people, get to know them, share their message, and then I share encouragement with people that need it, like even if they need just a little boost today, like, oh, get rid of that old belief, put in this new belief. Now, go on out there and go get what you want, go live the best life and don't put it on a bucket list. That's my thing too.

Speaker 2:

I literally loved it when we were in Egypt together last year. You talked to literally everyone and asked them their story and you were just spreading and sprinkling healing around all over the place.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were spreading a lot of love. We were all in love. It was a lot. It was really like a lot of love, energy, and I was in that place because I guess that's that's what I wanted. So that's what I received, and I don't know, I like getting to understand why a person thinks or behaves the way that they do, before I just like blow them off or block them, to, to, to, and I just that's what I do, right, that's what I do on YouTube, that's what I do, right, that's what I do on YouTube, that's what I do on Telegram, that's what I do in real life. And and I authentically, though, if I really don't like a person or want to be around a person, I you won't hear me asking you questions.

Speaker 2:

So so I, I love people and um, it's so yeah, I appreciate people and that's so healing just in itself. When you engage with a person like you, that when you're not feeling whole and healed and someone like you just sees a person and just acknowledges them and gives that love energy, that's healing in and of itself. So spread a little love and you will create more love and create more healing and I know that's one of your, that's one of your superpowers.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate that I, I really, I really hope that's true and I feel it because I guess you know, like you're your worst critic, like I see myself as like impatient or critical, and I guess that's it too. What I'm trying to do is get past my limitations. But that's why we do Theta Healing by understanding people. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

If you don't feel like you're a hundred percent where you want to be. That's what Theta Healing did for me and that's what I see it's doing for you. That's why I'm so excited you just signed up for the executive healer program is because I don't see you as broken, but I do see you as this woman who is ready to literally accelerate, and so you just, in an ever-changing world, here we are changing our minds. We don't have to be our old, outdated self. We get to be an expanded, evolved self, and the way we do that is through quick quantum healings, like data healing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, most definitely. I want to be limitless, so I didn't need the drug. I was struggling with memory before, so I was like, how do I find some no tropics so that I could make my brain accelerated? But it's like I found that through I'm finding that through data healing, like my brain is open, I am learning, I'm retaining information, I'm getting to know people and I'm getting to know myself while I get to know people.

Speaker 2:

I love that. The way it works is you were talking earlier about forgiveness and letting go of resentment and all of those things because when we get our brain empty of the resentment and the doubt and the self-judgment and even the judgment of other people, that's where we actually have enough room to put all this expanded knowledge in. When we dump all those negative feelings, we have room in our brain, our big beautiful brain, for all the good stuff, Right?

Speaker 3:

Right, we don't have the energy for love and fear at the same time. Yeah, you have to choose. Do I want to be loved? Do I want to be feared? Do I want to be?

Speaker 2:

so profound right there Do. I want to be loved or do I want to be feared? And let's choose. Love you and I. We've chosen love. Right? Yeah, we do magic.

Speaker 3:

That's the only way we can make new friendships, it's the only way we can have new relationships and that's the only way we can have the love kind of relationships that we want. And I've gone through it with my heart. Yeah, I've gone through it with my heart. My heart, I might, um, I try to keep going and when I feel it locking up, I try to find ways. Like you, you know, like we do oils, I'll be like drawing my heart with my oils and opening up and and and testing those limits with forgiveness and things like that. But I want to stay in love because I want to stay alive and I think that's it. Like I've seen people that are alive and I think that's it Like I've seen people that are, how do you say, somewhat petrified of life, one bad experience, and they don't try anything again and they don't love again.

Speaker 3:

Because you know you have to be willing to gamble, right, we have to be willing to gamble. We have to be willing to take a chance on winning or losing when it comes to love and friendships. Take a chance on winning or losing when it comes to love and friendships. You know, a lot of us, like, are fearful of new friendships and relationships, because it's like, oh you know, but we have to keep gambling, cause that's the only way we're going to win big Right Like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I see myself as a gambler. Somebody just said that about me this weekend and I thought to myself I am a gambler. My mom sold lottery tickets and it's interesting because she always said something and I still, to this day, apply it to my life, and it was about lottery tickets. But now I apply it to the game of life right, which is you can't win if you don't play. And so I gamble, I play, I put myself out there and I I maybe do lick my wounds once in a while when I don't win. But I also took the second piece of advice, which is when you go all in, you're all in, but don't gamble or give away or share anything you can't afford to lose. And so if you are playing only a dollar, you can win. You don't have to play your whole paycheck, you just have to go all in on that one dollar.

Speaker 3:

Don't gamble your rent money. Don't gamble your rent money.

Speaker 2:

But in this right money, but in this. It's the same thing with love and with energy. If I am tired and I do not have the energy to give, then I become self-aware and I'm a little bit more restorative. And when I'm in an energy that's more outgoing, like today, I want to go and I want to love everybody. Right, I want to be like yes you, yes you. But on the days I don't have anything to give, I give to myself, and I had to learn that that was a hard trick, because then I felt selfish. But if you're not self-full, you can't be the giver.

Speaker 3:

So you've got to take a little for yourself and refill your cup, and then you can just be out going and pouring it all out after that it's making me think, because I have the days when I feel caudry or crampy, crummy and blah and bah, humbug, and it's like no and um and and then people think, oh no, she's not who I thought she was and it's not that. It's like no, it's a bad day. But then I know I have control over that so, like you say, I don't have to be out there bumping into people when I know I'm grumpy and cargy.

Speaker 2:

And give yourself some self-care. Give yourself a break and stop judging yourself. Give yourself what you-care. Give yourself a break and stop judging yourself. Give yourself what you need to be restored, and that's where the magic happens. A lot of times, as we empty out those negative feelings, we can replace them with just literal magic.

Speaker 3:

Literal magic. It's true, it's true, it's true. And you know, I love that you're talking about that self-care and and, like I like to say, self-loyalty. Yeah, oh, I like that To ourselves that we would give to our best friend, and I think you even taught me about that too, about you know, what would you do if you were your own best friend? Like, what advice would you give yourself? You know, because we're always there to pat someone else on the back, but can we give ourselves a hug sometimes? And so I know, when I feel anxious or overwhelmed, it's like recognizing the signals that your body is giving you and that your emotions are giving you and being able to self-resource. That's how I say, like I can spend some time inside my own head and listen to myself and I can buy myself a birthday cake, and I can. I can do things for myself, I can buy myself flowers, you know.

Speaker 2:

Talk to your body as if you were the body's own lover. Talk to your emotions the way you would talk to a best friend or a small child, and treat yourself like the queen or king that you really are, and that's where it all becomes different. That's how you, if you're in love with yourself and you treat yourself with love, and then you treat others as you see them, as a being of love, no matter where they are. Even if they're the screamiest person in the line at the grocery store, whatever it is, if they're honking at you in traffic, you still treat them as a being of love having a moment, instead of seeing them as this awful person. You just go oh, they must be having a bad day. Send them a little love instead of taking it so personally. That shifts a lot too.

Speaker 3:

A lot of. We could put ourselves in someone else's shoes and understand that that, that that's looking at them like a crying baby, like, well, that baby must want something. There's a. You know that that got me through a lot of rough days at work.

Speaker 3:

When I had to work at my job, that's what I used to do is find what the person needs, because there's a need not being met and that's why this person's acting out. You know, and, yeah, some people it might feel like they're completely unhelpful, unsalvageable, and you give them space. But a lot of times with yourself, if you're feeling less than you need something, and you have to have that self-awareness to go inside and and recognize that. And the same thing with your children, with your spouse. You know when someone might be too clingy, you're like why are you acting like you're never gonna see me again? And it's like there's something deeper. Let's get to the bottom of this and let's let's figure out what it is, that it's really in there. And that still goes back to digging, like we do in theta, like digging into why. What's the reason behind the feeling?

Speaker 2:

I love this, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing a little of your wisdom. I love your wisdom, I love your energy. Oh, there we, there we pause for a second. Love your wisdom, I love your energy. Oh there we there we pause for a second. Love your wisdom, love your energy, and we'll make sure that they know how to get ahold of you. And do you have any final thoughts, as we send them on their way?

Speaker 3:

Well, check me out soon Um, soon as you can, because my course just came out on the CosmicMamacom website. My website launched, my class is out and it's all about the journey of the scarab, which is a self-parenting journey to self-discovery and being able to self-resource and take care of your own needs. Self-resource and take care of your own needs, reparenting yourself and building the blocks that you need to have positive relationships moving forward into the future, and I am really excited about being able to share that with people and I'm looking forward to that first graduation.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I wish you an amazing day and thank you everybody for joining us on this journey to live magically and, whatever you do, have a magical day definitely, and give yourself a hug oh yeah, giving yourself a magic hug while living magically. Thank you so much, erica. Thank you.