Living Magically Podcast

Embracing the Fiery Promise of Aries for Dynamic Change | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Magical Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 16

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Embark on a journey of intense personal transformation with me, Michelle Orwick, as we explore the profound energy shifts occurring alongside the Aries super new moon and solar eclipse. This period marks one of the most significant cosmic events of the year, brimming with fiery potential and a promise of new beginnings. During this episode, I'll guide you through understanding your 'I am' presence, and share tools to manage the overwhelming fire energy through calming water practices. We'll uncover the secrets to grounding yourself amidst the energetic whirlwind, ensuring you navigate this time with poise and purpose.

As we sail through these tumultuous waters, you'll discover how to set potent intentions and channel gratitude to supercharge your dreams and aspirations. I'll reveal visualization techniques and 'acting as if' strategies that will help you embody the future you yearn for. Moreover, we'll touch upon exciting opportunities such as the Train the Brain program and the Basic Theta Healing class, ideal for those eager to harness this eclipse's impact for significant life changes. Prepare to embrace this cosmic challenge, and let's make a sacred commitment to growth that will leave a lasting imprint on our lives.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and we have one heck of a week for April 8th. Today is literally one of the biggest energies we are going to see for the entire year. We do have another solar eclipse, but it will not have crossed over the United States. So that happened earlier today or maybe, if you're watching it, in a few days that will be the energy, but by the time you're you're listening to this, that eclipse will have hit with major, big energy and it is in Aries. So right now we are in a super new moon and this is a super moon, a new moon, a eclipse and an entire totality. So this is hitting us as a total eclipse of our own energy. So as we go through this, we are going to have a personal transformation. It's really almost impossible not to be in change energy when something like this is coming through. And as you're doing that, I want you to think about who am I? That's the I am presence. I am that I am and who am I becoming? I am that I am and who do I want to embody and be. I am that I am and the energy for this next two weeks will have that first sort of an eclipse hangover where you may just feel some exhaustion.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

There's a lot of energy. It's Aries Aries, which are two fire signs, first sign of the zodiac, it is the dragon year and this is a very fiery time. So, again, we might use fire magic, we might use candles, we might use bonfires, but we might also need the balance of water. So the other thing you could do is, if you're feeling too intense, you can balance that with a spiritual bath or spiritually cleaning your house, or going to the beach or ocean or spring or any kind of body of water, even a pool or a hot tub that may cleanse your field with water and sort of wash away, cleanse. And you're going to want to have this big energy but also want you to be cautious. So is everyone else. So tempers could be at an all time high and tension could be high and traffic could be high. There's all kinds of things that can get activated in this energy, but also that's your dreams activated in this energy. But also that's your dreams, that's your um, that's your hopes.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is an important and fabulous day, eight hours after that first eclipse cycle, so all of Monday evening and the first three days after. So Monday, tuesday, wednesday, even into Thursday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, even into Thursday, write down your dreams, write down your intentions, write it as it has already been done, write it as a I am statement, and you can throw in gratitude, because you know how I feel about gratitude is the attitude of manifestation. So you're thanking what you are becoming, you're thanking the universe or God or goddess, whatever. You're working with your guides, your angels, whatever. Thank you, this is done, it is done. It is done, it's done and you're visualizing it. Powerful visualization, time, powerful experience where you can get into deep meditation. That's my, that's my highest form of manifestation is visualizing it in your mind's eye, seeing it, speaking it, feeling it, owning it, feeling the frequency and the vibration of this new you and then acting as if.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you want to get a little deeper on that, I do have the train the brain program that we start in May. We'll put the details down below and we're also starting a theta healing class, the basic theta healing class, in May. So they're pretty much back to back. We have that first seminar weekend, the third, fourth and fifth of May, and that sixth. We are starting the train your brain. So there's two different programs. We'll put them in the link below, and these are a great way.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you wanna make some changes, right now is the time to sign up, because any and anything you're wanting to do, anything that you've been putting off a new fitness routine, a new way of eating, a new way of like, sign up for college, make a decision, go, commit to something.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

It's a perfect time day, week, month for a sacred commitment and what you plant now will have long lasting ramifications. Long, long-term. What you do in this week and through the next three months in high growth season, you will see the rewards, possibly for the rest of your life, if you're doing it right, if you're making the bold enough, big enough changes of leaning into that vision, leaning into that desire, because it's really the future version of you that's telling you this is your desire and it's time. Now is the time, and the time is now, and they've said that before, but there is kind of no more um activating of an energy than an aries, aries, aries, new moon, solar eclipse. So it is, it's just time to go, do be, start something, clean something, make some art, make some music, get out and celebrate your life and with that, have a magical week live magically and I'll see you again next Monday.