Living Magically Podcast

Sage Voices: Unveiling Egypt's Temples with Noha Aly | Interview Series | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Magical Michelle Orwick & Noha Aly • Season 3 • Episode 6

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Embark on an extraordinary adventure with me, Michelle Orwick, and the brilliant Egyptologist Noha, as we uncover the mysteries and spiritual resonance of Egypt's ancient temples. In the healing embrace of Aswan, the 'place of healers', we begin our exploration, discussing how the powerful energies of Philae and Kom Ombo temples intertwine with the sacredness of motherhood, healing, and the alignment of chakras within us. Our conversation traverses the ancient wisdom and its profound influence on our spiritual and physical journey, inviting you to join us as we prepare to share our discoveries in a transformative video series that promises enlightenment and an invitation to self-discovery.

Feel the energy emanate from the stone as we delve into the symbiotic relationship between Egypt's ageless temples and their admirers. In episode two, Noha and I reveal the living essence of these historical marvels, awakened by the love and reverence they receive, echoing a powerful exchange of energy that enhances our own spiritual path. With an eye toward the future, we tease an upcoming video tour and an immersive in-person experience in 2025, urging you to embrace the philosophy of living magically. Allow the ancient wisdom of Egypt to guide you, as we promise to ignite the magic within through our shared stories and insights.

Egypt 2025 - Beyond the Pyramids

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As Always, Live Magically!

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Living Magically. Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and I'm here in Egypt with my dear friend Noha, my favorite Egyptologist, and she has just given us an amazing tour of Egypt, so she's also been hosting us. This is her beautiful, lovely home, and if you see a little dog walking around, if you're watching on video, this is our favorite animal friend, chanel. Yes, and I just wanted to thank you first of all for the patience of all of the questions we have asked you for the last month. Every time we turn around, we're asking her a question, and that just made me think we should ask some of these questions for everybody at home too.

Speaker 3:

Hello Michelle. It was my pleasure to be with you and with all the group, actually all of you. You were amazing and you were asking very good questions. It opened some doors and pathways for us to learn more about Egypt and the secrets of the ancient Egyptians.

Speaker 2:

What I love is that when you do this tour it's an initiatory tour, right, you start at a very specific place on the Nile. Yes, and why do you do that?

Speaker 3:

actually I want to let the people open their hearts to some special places in Egypt, especially if we start visiting Egypt from south, because this part of Egypt it was like the biggest healing center in history, since I felt that every time I go up and hit Aswan.

Speaker 2:

Aswan is my new favorite city in the in the entire Egypt area. It's really beautiful.

Speaker 3:

You feel relaxed at this special place because the name of Aswan is coming from soon, and soon at the ancient Egyptian time, it means healer or doctor. So that's why I was very happy to start our tour from the place of the healers, the house of the healers yes, and I felt that both at Philae and at Komumbo, yes.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a preference in those two or are they just very different?

Speaker 3:

They are very different in energy Isis Temple, philae Temple, it's like motherhood energy, love, caring, but Komombo, it's a real healing center. Of course Isis she was a healer, but we need to start from her place to open a gate for us to go to Komombo, because Komombobo is a real hospital.

Speaker 2:

That was what was interesting seeing all the different images of actual healing on the walls there.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, and so they would trek there to receive healing Exactly, and it's not only about receive healing, especially commando temple, which is my favorite temple. It's not a big one, but it's very powerful one. So in this temple we try to make the balance and a killer inside our body, to know exactly which is the bad side and try to control it, to gain energy and then to go to the good side, the light, and then we can keep the energy to continue our path, kind of like an equinox, right?

Speaker 2:

yes, you want to be in balance not too much of this and not too much of that. Exactly, goldilocks, you're right. Yes, yes, I agree. Oh, very exciting. We also then took a trip down the Nile and, and what's really cool is we've decided to do a video series um, where we actually stop at these different temples on an internet tour. We'll just talk about it, show some pictures, and she's agreed to do this for us. Thank, you.

Speaker 3:

So I believe also, if we do this kind of classes or whatever you want to call it, so also we're going gonna open doors for the people to know more about each spot, because each temple it's not only about energy or a place dedicated to one of the gods. No, the ancient egyptian, they knew from the very beginning of the history the chakras in our body, yes, the energy centers, the energies. So each temple it was connected to one of the chakras.

Speaker 3:

I love that and each temple represents a place in our body. So when we are visiting the temple, even virtual visits so when we are visiting the temples, even virtual visits, so it's like we are navigating in our body to learn more about how to clean the body.

Speaker 2:

So basically, what you're saying is, when we go through this journey of the initiatory journey through Egypt, we're actually clearing our body one temple by another, and I feel that that's why. That's why you don't just go straight to the Great Pyramid, you start through these very specific processes. Yeah, and I thought it was interesting because we went to my. My current favorite is Ed Fu Temple.

Speaker 3:

Me too, and and it's interesting.

Speaker 2:

One of the things that's really powerful to me is that the oils to work with these energy centers are literally documented right on the walls. What to do for these energy centers yes.

Speaker 3:

We cannot start by visiting the pyramid. So this is the end. This is the crown chakra. That's why we start visiting the soft places to clean it first and then to have the glow.

Speaker 2:

To prepare the body, exactly so the body is ready as a vehicle. So I think of the body as the vehicle for the indwelling spirit. But you call it the Merkaba, exactly so. Could you define that for our audience?

Speaker 3:

Actually the ancient Egyptians, when they built the pyramids, they built it as a vehicle. So the main building it's the pyramid itself. Beside the pyramid they built a small temple connected to the pyramid and then there is a pathway connected the small temple with another temple. We call it the Valley Temple. So the three buildings, they call it at the ancient time Mer Ka Ba. Mer it's the pyramid, ka it's the small temple dedicated to the pyramid, and then the Ba'a it's the third temple. So Merkaba it means in Arabic vehicle, or we use it, we use this expression now as a vehicle.

Speaker 3:

So first you need to visit the Ba'a, which is a soul. You need to clean your body, to prepare your body, and then to go through this path to visit the second temple, the Ka. In the Ka it's more spiritual, more elevation, even with the path, the path is going up, more elevation, elevation, even with the path, the path is going up, more elevation. And then when you clear your body, clear your soul, you are prepared to go to the mirror. And actually the Greek they call the pyramid Pira Mesa, which is the expression that we use now. Pira Mesa it means the house of the fire or the flame, so it's the top, the R, exactly Each place. It has the special essential oil that you can use to clean your body, as well as the temples you mentioned Edfu Temple in your body, as well as the temples you mentioned Edfu Temple. So, actually, as I told you, each temple it's a place for one chakra inside our body and for each temple we use different kind of essential oil. All of this was written at Edfu Temple, that's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, we are super honored to have you here today. If you want to learn more, we're actually going to do a class, a deep dive into each of these temples as a video series that will start in July, I think, and if you're watching this much later, then there's, there's a recording of it. Um, that'll be available in the link. It'll either be an ad or or, once we've got it up, you can, you can buy it, but in the meantime, I do want to um just wrap up with one other question, which is what is your favorite temple? I think I know I'm going to. I'm going to write down in my hand a guess.

Speaker 3:

So, actually there are two temples. My real favorite temple is Komombo Okay and Dendara. I was going to say I thought it was.

Speaker 2:

Dendara. And then you said Komombo, yeah. So tell us just a tiny bit about Dendara, because I've been there three times now, but this particular time I had a really potent experience there. So tell us a little bit about Dandara, because I don't think it's heard about as much.

Speaker 3:

Yes, actually, dandara it's the temple dedicated to Hathor. Dandara it's the temple dedicated to Hathor, and Hathor she's not only a mother or a wife. No, she is feminine energy, like the feminine divine, exactly Feminine energy divine. When you visit this place, even before you reach the entrance of the temple, you feel peace, safe love, because Hathor, she was the energy of the love, the music, the joy, the happiness. So she gives you all of these feelings even before you reach the temple. And when you go inside the temple temple you will be like isolated from the chaos, exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a loving walking in and being held by mother, exactly it's not only about that, but even the underground of this temple it's so bad that was. This was the first time I went down it was closed one of the times and this time there was a special ticket down into some of the most beautiful, well-preserved art on the walls Very specific I can feel the energy of the place.

Speaker 3:

while I'm talking about it now, it's about giving you a new life, a rebirth. I'm not going to talk a lot about this place because I want to show it to the people and explain it more, why we consider this place, the underground place, as a very special energetic place yes, it's very holy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I appreciate you taking all this time with us um one.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna ask one. You know me, I'm gonna ask one more question every time I say I'm done. Just one more question it.

Speaker 2:

It's just the prelude to the real question, which is the last thing I'm going to ask is because you talk about Hathor and you talk about Isis and they're shown on the walls very, very similar. I'd love for you to tell the audience how you can tell the two apart.

Speaker 3:

How we know the difference between Isis and Hapur on the walls? Very simple. So Isis, she was, let's say, the mother queen. So the queen, she sits on a throne, correct? Yes, all the time when we see a scene represent Isis, we see beside her head, or even above the head, a throne.

Speaker 2:

And that's it. Yes, because a lot of times you'll actually see both of them in the same image.

Speaker 3:

Because both of them, they are almost the same energy. Yes, yeah, the feminine energy.

Speaker 2:

The Great Mother, the Goddess of 10,000 Names, the Feminine Divine, and it's been a true joy learning all about that, and I hate to end both this interview and my trip because this is my last day here, but the good news is for me, the journey always continues.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we never say goodbye in Egypt. We always say to the next time, because we know Egypt it's home for everybody.

Speaker 2:

It feels to me like a lot of people come back here as a remembrance. It feels to me like a lot of people come back here as a remembrance and when they get here they remember something or they feel more of themselves, and there's such activations just in being, in the energy, and so so it is really the cradle of life, the beginning of of civilization as we know it. Anyway, it may we we don't know when it or where exactly it started, but it feels very much like home to everyone I've ever talked to that's been to Mother Egypt. I feel like she's got a Mother Queen energy just in the land herself.

Speaker 3:

Actually, that's what we call that déjà vu. So you remember, yes, yes, most of the people, even they were not here physically, but their souls.

Speaker 2:

In daily healing we call it. We're just remembering what we've learned in another lifetime, we're just waking up to it. And that's really when we call an activation. I was trying to explain this to somebody on the trip to an activation. I can't make an activation happen for someone. Yes, because an activation is a remembrance, it's an awakening of something that you already own. I can't give it to you, I can just help you wake it up. And Egypt does that, yes, and as you mentioned, this expression activation.

Speaker 3:

it's not only about the people, Because we consider the temples as living beings.

Speaker 2:

So when you visit the temple, also, you are helping to activation, activation or activate the temple. I do believe that the more love we pour into the temples, the more they're awakening and the more love they have, the more they come back to us. It's a, it's a synergy. Yes, yes exactly my friend.

Speaker 2:

So this is a woman who absolutely embodies the living magically philosophy. I can't wait to share more of my beautiful, beloved egypt with you both in this video tour that we're going to be doing this class, and also in 2025 we're going to do another, another tour together and we're going to share all of these sites as an opportunity to come in person. So until next time, live magically.