Living Magically Podcast

Embracing Jupiter's Influence in Gemini Season | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick

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Step into the enchanting world of Gemini season with me, Michelle Orwick, and let's write a new chapter of magic together. If you've ever wished for a mental spring-clean, this episode is your sparkling tonic. As we traverse the serene energies bridging May and June, I'll guide you through the transformative influence of Jupiter's trek through Gemini. Discover how this celestial giant invites you to cultivate a mindset ripe for miracles, and learn to train your thoughts towards the life you've been dreaming of. And when the potent new moon whispers in Gemini's ear, you'll be ready to ground those dreams and turn them into your reality. For those needing an extra nudge towards their North Star, I'm right here with personalized coaching to help realign your energy and chase those aspirations.

As we wave goodbye to Memorial Day, the playful spirit of Gemini beckons us to join in on the fun – think of it as the unofficial ribbon-cutting to summer's jubilant fair. This week, let's indulge in the spontaneity of life and dabble in the joy of creative communication; it's time to let your words dance to the rhythm of Jupiter's influence in Gemini. Whether you're penning your thoughts in a journal or crafting the perfect tweet, you'll feel the cosmic encouragement to share your voice. As we look forward to a week of whimsical energy, let's explore the power of reinvention and the art of social media savviness. Join me on this magical ride, and let's embrace the light-hearted essence of Gemini until the stars guide us back together next Monday.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and this we are discussing the beautiful energy, the nice, calm energy that we're having this last week of May, first week of June, and as we do that, I am wishing all of you a happy Memorial Day. Thank you to all those who have served and who, of course, anyone who lost their lives in service, and so we just continue to honor them here today, but I know you might be watching this a little bit later, and so it's just a really good week. However, if it is Monday for you, happy, magical Monday, and actually it's a really focused, filled week. Last week, we had a lot of major change energy, and that happens when a lot of planets move. So we had Taurus, we had all the planets leaving Taurus, and now we're in Gemini season. We're full on in Gemini season, and that's going to continue to go for a few days, even for the next three weeks, and as we do that, we're going to get into the focus of a lot more things that have to do with communication and thought. I'm definitely making a big, a big jump in that. I am going to predict that we really are going to start thinking about what we need to think about, and that's that Jupiter. Jupiter is going to be in Gemini for an entire year and that changed just last week, so we're actually not really even feeling it all the way yet this month. We'll anchor that in and as you do that, I want you to think about what do I want to think about? This truly is when you think about it. This truly is when you think about it. It becomes so. That is absolutely the key to making this next 12 months really, really powerful. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and it is in Gemini.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Gemini is fun. It's the twins. It's got a lot of playful energy, a lot of mercurial energy. So I want you to think about how do I have fun and how am I not thinking about fun If I am down the rabbit hole of dark thoughts? This is time to get out of it. This is an incredible year to really train your brain for miracles and magic. If you do this year right, you can re-change the way you think about everything. I really think that's a really important message right here is what do you want your life to look like and how do you want that to show up for you? And start visualizing that. Start thinking about it, start anchoring that in.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And, of course, right now we're in this disseminating moon. We had the peak full moon last week and we don't have a new moon again until the 6th, which is a potent day. I'd mark that on my calendar. Right now, june 6th, is a potent new moon in Gemini. We're going to have six planets in Gemini at that time. So I really feel we're.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

What are we thinking about that we don't need like. It's like a proverbial brain house clearing. So so getting all those cobwebs out, getting all those negative thought forms out, getting everything inside that mind and getting rid of it, and getting narrowly focused, even to the point of obsessively focused, on what you want to create in your life. This would be what I recommend for this time. But stay grounded, stay playful, because there's so much in the air signs right now. We moved from fixed earth to air signs and all these planets now, from fixed earth to air signs and all these planets now Venus and Jupiter and all these planets are in in this thought provoking Gemini. Stay grounded and actually take action on your thoughts. That's the key. We have all these ideas, all these dreams. I do want you to dream big. You know me, dream big dream, magical dream, the not impossible dream, and create magic in your mind and create magic in your heart and create magic in your spirit. This is where you can actually take action on your thoughts. If you do that, if you do that one thing, I think you're going to make the most out of this week. But if you're getting into negative thought forms and going down the negative rabbit hole, this isn't going to work for you and it's not going to work for your creative mind. There's that old saying which is if you think you can, you will, and if you think you can't, you won't. You are always right Whatever you think will be exactly what you get. And so, in this case, really decide what you want and get super hyper focused on it. It's called the law of assumption or the law of expectation, and when you do that, you really expect it, you really focus on it, you really give it fuel and fire and joy. It just has to manifest. That's part of the natural law.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you're having trouble with this, if you've gone down the negative rabbit hole, or even if you just want some real deep energy, healing and clearing, I have space for two coaching clients right now. That's all I've got. I've got a full, full schedule, um, but I do have two private coaching clients that I am ready to take on. I completed two people last month and they are off living their joyful lives, so I have two living magically. Um, we have a couple of different things we can do. I can work with you on creating your life. If you've got some stumbling blocks and you want to get rid of some things, we can do that. I also have the option of making it a relationship coaching package. It's kind of like a little bit of a what do you need and what can I offer? We'll sit down, we'll have a conversation.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I have huge success with the people who have completed these coaching packages, and so I invite you to use this Gemini in Uranus energy to literally make a choice in your life and go for it, and I'd love to help. I'd love to help you. So if that is something you're interested in, send me a message and we'll have a conversation. That's how it works, because I want to make sure that I'm the right fit for you. I'm not just going to put you off into the world and be like, yes, this is right, it's gotta be a good fit. So have a conversation and see if it's time for you to live magically. I think there's one of you I'm speaking to very specifically and this is your official invitation. So if you think I'm talking to you, I am.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In the meantime, I hope this week you just take this moment and enjoy it, because the energy is really, really playful and fun, and so go and enjoy that first. Even though it's not the first official week of summer, I always think of the week of Memorial Day as the first week of summer. A lot of people finish school and they're on vacation this month, and so go have some fun. This is the energy happening right now. Have fun, live life. Ohio with this gorgeous weather.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Go go do something, maybe a little spontaneous. That's a very Gemini thing. Go do something playful, do something kind of crazy and um and don't get in your head about it, because that's something else that can happen Um, it is going to be, um, still a thinking kind of week. So if you have a journal and you want a journal or you have a thing you've wanted to write, gemini is great for writing, creating Instagram posts and in the other social media. I really see social media being a really big part of the year this year with this Jupiter and Gemini, and so maybe it's time to reinvent yourself. I know that it's certainly a good time to do that. With all of that said, I hope you have a magical, joyful, super duper, gemini kind of week, and I'll see you again next Monday. Have a magical week. Don't forget to live magically.