Living Magically Podcast

Embracing Joy and New Beginnings | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 29

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Are you ready to harness the vibrant energies of the new moon and the seven seven portal? Join me, Michelle Orwick, as we explore the magical synergy of these celestial events in our latest episode of Living Magically. Discover the profound significance of experiencing two consecutive full moons in the same astrological sign, otherwise known as a blue moon, and reflect on how this rare alignment can help you set intentions that truly resonate with your deepest desires. With Jupiter’s harmonious influence, it’s the perfect moment to initiate new projects and solidify relationships that bring joy and support into your life.

But that's not all! I'm thrilled to announce an upcoming series starting this Sunday, filled with transformative teachings from the magical Noha, whose wisdom has deeply influenced my journey over the past four years. Whether you're a seasoned participant or new to these experiences, this series promises to be enlightening, with every session recorded for your convenience. As Venus dances in Leo, we'll also discuss aligning with your heart, embracing joy, and staying open to spiritual guidance. Plus, I share a bit about my plans for a joyful family reunion at the beach this weekend. Join us for an episode that promises not just insights but a truly magical experience.

Chakras and the Egyptian Temples, starting July 14th, 10 am EST:

Travel with us through Egypt, September 2025:

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to living magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick. Some know me as Magical Michelle, and it is yet another magical Monday and some of you may be feeling a little bit like you're trying to play catch up with your energy right now, if you're watching this Monday, or even on Tuesday, because we had that big new moon, we had the seven seven portal with it and there's there was just a ton of energy over the weekend. So by now, monday and Tuesday, we're starting to like just settle in because it is still right. After that new moon, you have all of this week to create your intentions.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Anytime from the new moon all the way to the full is a great time for bringing in new, and it's the second quarter of the year. It's, I'm sorry, the second half of the year. It's the beginning of the third quarter. There's a lot of new start energy and it's interesting because right now we have our moon that we're going to be going to. Our full moon that we're working up to on the 20th is going to be in the same sign as the last full moon, and that doesn't happen very often. Sometimes we call that a blue moon. Some people call it only a blue moon if it's in the same calendar month, but astrologers call it a blue moon if it's two moons in the same astrological sign and that's what we have. It's really asking us to think about what did you want? Do you really want that, and is it something you're ready to actually commit to? Because a lot of times we've committed to something and then we get a little wobbly. This is did you say what you mean? Is this what you really want? And you have an opportunity to adjust it a little bit. But mostly, what I like to think about is that you're actually able to anchor it in so much deeper, because that full moon that was with the summer solstice is now going to be mirrored in this second full moon in the same sign, and we'll get into that a little bit more next week. But I'm just telling you, as we are after that new moon and we're still more than a week away from the full moon, it is that invoking time so, as we settle in, we literally can get clarity and put action to our thoughts and our words and our prayers and our requests from the universe. Now is the time, and the time is now to actually do something about that. And it's a calmer week in the stratosphere, there might be that energy hangover where you're catching up with the energy. So if you're going to rest, do it now, because it's a wild and busy astrological ride.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

At this point it seems like I say that all the time. There's not a lot of low points where there's not a ton going on. So take this time to anchor in. You've got Jupiter sextile, the true north and true node. So this Jupiter sextile true node brings harmonious and auspicious energy and what this does is it gives us some opportunity to grow. When we're in this energy, jupiter likes expansion and it is time to align to what you really really want.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

As I was saying about that full moon, the universe is saying did you mean it? Is this what you really want? And it's time to be like all right, I'm in line, I'm in alignment, I'm in action, I'm going to do it and now is the way and the time to go forward and to put that energy in. It is a positive period of time and I I love that because sometimes I'm like I come on and I'm like well, there's an eclipse or there's a this or this is actually very harmonious. Um, are you in alignment with your life path, and one of my favorite things to do is literally line up my third eye, my, my heart, my spinal column, and see if my physical body is in alignment, as you can see the chakra banner behind me. Are my chakras all in alignment? Am I in alignment? Am I? Am I living on my, on my true timeline? I'm on my purpose. Am I leaving on purpose? And so I invite you to do that, and it's a really good time to start something. So, if you've been wanting to get going on a project or something that you've been dreaming of that really takes you, or you think is going to take you, in the direction that you've wanted to go for a long time, this is the perfect scenario.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Your relationships right now, two things are happening. Anything that isn't supporting you, anything that isn't really really bringing you joy, might be time for it to either be eliminated or to even like a candle that blows itself out, sort of move away on its own. These, your relationships right now, should be bringing you joy, should be bringing you support, should make you feel good. So anything that doesn't feel good in your life, whether that's a relationship, a physical embodiment it's time for some fun. Right, it's been heavy, it's been intense, and we don't have to be intense all the time. Sometimes we get to just be in play, and so it's the middle of the summer, and if you want to take some time with your family or time for yourself whether that's time with your family or time for yourself, whether that's that's rest or meditation or something that's even more magical, like you know, playing in the woods or camping, or pretending you're a beautiful butterfly on a fairy knoll, whatever it is that's going to bring you some lightheartedness and some joy this is a good time for you to do that. You might also be getting some downloads, you might be getting spiritual insights, you might be getting direction on what's your next spiritual, physical, emotional, even financial steps.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

The universe is really trying to talk to us right now. The thing that I've noticed is we ask for something right. It's time for us to take a pregnant pause and actually listen to what we're being guided toward and what we're being led toward. I think that we ask and we ask and we ask. But are we taking that little bit of a pause, that stillness, to actually see what the synchronicities are to be shown, where we're going to be guided, where we're going, are we following the signs?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And if you are asking, take a moment to make sure that you're not missing the synchronicities, the guidance, the gifts that are actually available to us, because they're all about us. The synchronicities, the magic, um, where do they say? Life happens while you're planning something else. So in this case, you might have a plan, you might have perfection in your mind, but be open to the flow, state of allowance, be open to what it is that you're being directed toward and follow those signs. If you see that you're being led to be a butterfly in a magical garden over and over and over again, then maybe you're supposed to be a butterfly in a magical garden. And yes, I am speaking to one of you specifically. You should go and do that as many times as possible and bring yourself back to what refills me, what refills me with joy, what refills me in my heart, in my mind, in my spirit, because later in the week, july 11th, we're going to actually see Venus entering Leo and we're starting to end.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We're 10 days or so away from the end of cancer season, which right now we're all very emotional. We're looking at our homes and our environments. That's what we're doing right now with. We're looking at our homes and our environments. That's what we're doing right now with Cancer Science. But July 11th starts the beginning of planets transitioning into Leo and that's going to be Venus on the 11th, and so we're going to start seeing an outward expression of love, this place where I call it the I love you mans, where it's good to tell everybody that you care about, that you love them, it's good to tell them how much they mean to you and not just what they look like. Start seeing if you can find compliments that encourage them. You know, like oh, you inspire me, oh, that thing you did really opened my heart. Like, actually, venus and Leo is about taking that compliment to the deeper understanding of really going past just the superficial, to their heart, to their mind, to their soul, to their spirit, and so it's very generous. We should be overflowing with compliments and friend time and looking at how do you actually relate to other people?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

You might find yourself being a little more visible. You might find yourself with Venus and Leo wanting to be more attractive, just putting on a little bit more makeup or wearing your best clothes. It could be very fanciful it could be costumes, it could be makeup. It could be the full elaborateness and, especially while it's still in cancer season, it could be your home like really really beautifying your home, your bedroom, your meditation space. And what are you passionate about? This is an opportunity to really think about what brings me joy, what brings me the greatest expression and who am I within that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I love this season. It's actually, like I said, a very good and positive week. I know there's been some intensity. The Schumann residence is off the charts and we've had these energy portals and we're lining up for the 8-8 Lionsgate, one of the most powerful portals of the year. We're in that celestial Cirrus gateway, um Stargate energy from now all the way into the middle of August. So so this is that time to to really seek your alignment, really seek your joy, really seek um. Am I on my path? Who am I going to bring on this path with me? Who supports that joy? How do I want to live in that? Who has been loyal to me and who has been maybe a little fickle? Or who's bringing me down and maybe I need to be in a higher vibration? So what is going to make that happen? And as we do that, I have a beautiful offer for you, one of my very favorite people in the entire world Her name is Noha and I are actually going to be starting a journey.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

It's going to be eight weeks, starting this Sunday. It's going to be 10 am on Sundays, eastern Standard Time for the next week, eight weeks. It starts on the Sunday the 15th and it's one amazing journey through the temples, going down the Nile and how they affect us. The journey is called Chakras and the Egyptian Temples. So as we go through this I'm sorry, sunday the 14th, to be clear. So it starts Sunday the 14th and as we go through this journey, she's going to explain to us how each of these temples correlate with the chakra in our system. And we will go all the way, starting at the root chakra, all the way from the beginning of those temples, all the way to the Great Pyramid, the crown chakra, and you will see the ancient teachings that are written on these walls, the energy transmissions.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I'll be doing activations. She'll be talking about the chakras. We'll cover what oils are written on the temple walls, what crystals to use. You know I love doing healing work on the chakras and this is yet another, even more advanced opportunity. So you'll be getting deep dive into Egyptian mysteries and healing and knowledge, and so if you're fascinated with either the chakras or healing, or Egypt, egyptian temples, egyptians, gods and goddesses, this is the class for you, so I invite you to join us.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is the last week to sign up, because we will be starting on Sunday and during that time we will record everyone. So if you can't be at all eight, or if you can't be at any of them, we will be sending a recording out every class and so you'll have this in your collection to go through and listen to the activations multiple times if you want, or check back on the information. I'm so excited to be doing this and I cannot wait to learn more from Noha. She has taught me so much over the last four years and she is just an absolutely magical soul that brings these places to life. I first met her during COVID, in a similar series that she was teaching. I didn't meet her in person. I met her through a class and later got to take several tours three tours with her through down the Nile, and actually see the places and do this journey. So if you want to start here, and or maybe you've already been to these places and you want to reconnect with them. I invite you to to come and join us. It's it's really going to be a wonderful experience.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In the meantime, this week, just a quick recap take it easy, be gentle on yourself. Be gentle on yourself, get into alignment with where is your expansion going? Follow your true north, follow your own heart and just play and have fun. It's going to be a fun, positive, joyful week. If I were looking at a weekend to throw a party, this would be a good one over the weekend, especially with that Venus in Leo. In this case, I'm going to be at a family reunion at the beach, which doesn't get better than that. So I love you so much. Have an absolutely magical week and don't forget to live magically.