Living Magically Podcast

Channeling Leo's Vibrancy for Infinite Abundance | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 31

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What if you could unlock the secrets of infinite abundance and personal transformation just by tuning in? Join me, Magical Michelle, as we navigate the powerful transition from Capricorn's grounded energy into Leo's vibrant, expressive fire. We'll explore how this shift encourages us to boldly express our true selves and embrace the cosmic shifts that set the stage for profound personal rebirth. With Mercury entering analytical Virgo and Chiron retrograding in introspective Aries, it's the perfect time to reflect on our identities and habits. I'll share insights from my newest tarot deck, highlighting the Phoenix's symbolism and the necessity of transformative new beginnings.

But that's not all! Get ready to dive into the significance of the 888 energy and the upcoming lion's gate and Leo portal. This magical two-week period, starting on the 26th and peaking on 8-8, is brimming with opportunities for infinite abundance, possibilities, and potential miracles. I'll also share exciting details about our upcoming events, including a special online offering, an immersive shaman weekend in August with Mecca, and the Inner Circle teachings during the first weekend of August. Tune in to discover how these powerful energies and events can profoundly impact your life and enrich your spiritual journey. Don't miss this transformative episode filled with astrological insights and practical advice!

8.8.8 Lionsgate Activation (in person):

Shamanic Experience Weekend (in person):

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Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. This is Michelle Orwick, also known as Magical Michelle, and I am your host, and this week we have a powerful and quite exciting big energy shift where we move from Capricorn season into Leo season, and Leo is way bigger. You know, cancer has the flow. It's a water sign, it's family and home and a lot of nurturing. Leo is a big energy, it's a fixed sign, it's fixed fire. So there is a I teasingly call it the cult of personality, but it to really come out as you are and this means how do you see yourself internally and then sharing that with the world. I don't want you to put on a false face, but I do think, with all of the changes that have happened in the astrology since last year, there's going to be some big surprises, as you see, with the politics and the national weather. You know we're looking at big, big energies and it's interesting because this week we have two transits that are going to support an inward reflection, while we have the outer world of Leo being about putting your best face forward and your outer world. So the first of these big transits is actually happening on the 25th. We've got Mercury going into Virgo and this is really interesting because it's already just starting into shadow season for Mercury, getting ready to go retrograde. So but first you have the Mercury in Virgo, so we're going to see the possibility that you're going to be more analytical, you're going to be more looking at the details of who you are and how you present to the world, and this could be and it's very well supported by things like if you're going to do something about your health. Virgo always is looking at having the best health and organization and things to be to be looked at in um. How do I make systems and streamline things? And this is hitting in Mercury, which is the sign of communication You're. Also it rules things like transportation, so you might see some innovative um things like see some innovative things like there could be some solutions out there in the world for better health, better transportation, better communications worldwide. This could come in the form of AI.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

With that Uranus in Taurus, you could see some surprises. Surprises. It's as you, as you've seen in the politics of the last few weeks, we have big world news surprises happening, and so that could hit your internal lifestyle and reflection. You could see that something happens in your life in these areas. That is a big surprise and just I know we fear surprise, but a lot of times surprise is actually good and you cannot be the person you are asking to be. You cannot be something different, like as we are asking for change. You cannot be changed and be the same. So if we're asking for global change, what has to happen? Something has to be different. Well, that's the same with our internal lives.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So I think you're going to see that reflection and review of what has to change and you might either make a really big decision that you just snap to, like someone could quit smoking, like instantly, or quit drinking cold turkey, or go on a really big weight loss program, or you know something that really is out of a normal character and especially because we're we're going to see the very, and especially because we're going to see the very next day, we're going to see Cairo going into retrograde in Aries, and Aries is the I am. So this has to do with identity and the fact that this is happening during Leo season. We're going to see who are you defining yourself as as your wounded healer. Chiron is the wounded healer and Aries is the I am. You're going to see people my age I'm 52. And I'm in the series of my Chiron is in Aries. So people my age are going to be really looking and being hit over these next couple of months with who am I and where is my wound and how do I want to be defined? And, with this Leo season, how do I want to be seen in the world.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So what I'm going to encourage you to do the moon was big last weekend and you may be feeling that energy hangover. As all these transits change and the energy changes, we're literally, our bodies are going to feel. They might feel fatigued, they might feel tired, but your emotions are going to want to go big or go home, and it's going to be those two extremes. You're going to want to be out, out in the world, showing that information and showing people the new version of you. It's a great time to introduce this new version of you this rebirth, and in fact I I got a brand new Oracle deck Uh, it's actually a tarot deck when I was in England.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Um, thank you, missy um, for this amazing deck, and it's from the golden unveiling, the golden age. Um, from Izzy um, from Izzy Ivy and I already have one of her decks and I love it, which is Beyond Lemaria. But this is her new deck and it's an actual tarot, but very different in that it has got energy transmissions. And my card for the day really really brings this home. It's the Phoenix of the White Fire or Rebirth, and I love that this is the card instead of death. That's always my favorite when I'm doing tarot to. Any deck that uses the Phoenix instead of the death card is going to to appeal to me, because we must die in order to be something else and I consider myself a priestess of the Phoenix, priestess of the Rose and a priestess of the Phoenix. I'm sorry that we didn't do our normal Monday energy transmission on Monday, but it was Mary Magdalene feast day and we had some technology issues and I was just in a place of deep energy contemplation. So think about this. I'm going to share with you my perspective.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

To become something different, you must first allow the old version of you to die off. That may mean an identity. That might mean a habit, if you ever. One of my favorite books is Atomic Habits and for me, a habit is just I can only really do one thing at a time, but I'm meticulous about bringing it in. It's my Virgo moon and just like this, mercury being in Virgo, you must meticulously get rid of the habits of a version of you that is not what you're becoming. So let's say you want to be a millionaire. What are the habits of millionaires and what are the habits you're doing that are habits of as you've maybe read the book Rich Dad, poor Dad. What are the habits of poor mouth or poor dad that you may be embarking? What are your beliefs on your health or your money or your singledom or whatever thing you want to change, and what are the habits of the successful version of that? So the person you want to be, the person you're becoming, you're going to take those habits and you're going to do them as if you already are. You're going to create systems. That's that's. This particular transit is amazingly fabulous for creating systems. So, whether that's in your business or your workplace, if you have something that's not working, create a system to make it work. And if you're working by yourself and you want more support and help, create a system that can be replicated and teach and show them that new way.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

When you're looking at yourself, maybe it's a 15 minute habit, maybe it's just walking every day for 15 minutes or cleaning your house for 15 minutes or creating art for 15 minutes, and a lot of times when you tell yourself you'll do it for 15 minutes, you have to do it for 15 minutes and you can stop, that takes the pressure off at 15 minutes and you just stop. But a lot of times what happens for me anyway, is that once I've started, the thing might go on for an hour and feel really good about it. But then there's days when I'm just exhausted that I'm just like well, if you can just do that one thing for 15 minutes to create this habit, you're going to thank yourself. So look at these things. So we've got these opportunities this week, as the moon is disseminating, which means it is a good time for letting go. The next two weeks are a great time for letting go of anything that no longer serves you. And remember, you might be still feeling a little bit of fatigue as you're recalibrating. So what has to be let go and with the next new moon you can maybe then create the new beginning. I never opposed to starting now, because now is perfect and now is all we have. But if you can't start now, work on what aren't you yet and let go of these next couple of weeks, this perfect time for letting go of an old identity, old habits, completing projects before we get to Mercury retrograde, which is less than two weeks away. As well, do as much to complete projects and finish. There's a lot of finishing, tying up loose ends. We'll be starting a new school year very soon, so enjoy yourself as well.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Leo season is fun, there's nothing to say. But if you want a good old backyard barbecue or a dance night, or even just dancing around in your own apartment, you can put on your fairy wings and your tiara and just have a dance party. Or, in my case, one of my favorite activities is just to have a few friends and play a board game. So it doesn't have to be super spiritual. Like, doing art is spiritual or creating something. Even writing or journaling or reading something or learning something is spiritual. So we think that a spiritual practice has to be sitting on a mountain oming, but the truth is living your life more magically, more intentionally, more mindfully. That's actually where the real magic comes in. And so what is it that's going to open up your heart? What is it that's going to open up your creativity? What is it that's going to support you being the deepest, most powerful version of you. See, if that doesn't actually feel more spiritual in this form of rebirth. So I wish you an absolutely magical week. We'll see you again next Monday.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I will be back to my normal live schedule at six o'clock on Mondays in the Facebook group and of course, you can always see this on YouTube or listen to it on the podcast after I finish recording it. But if you are interested, you may come and join our Facebook group, which is called Soul Circle, and I'll be doing this energy update live next week. We also are getting really close to the 8-8 and we have just a couple more tickets for our oils temple and I will be announcing something online for 8-8. We'll have that announcement up probably this weekend. So if you're like I don't live in Orlando and I still want to do an 888 activation, I have something very special coming up for us to do on the 888. That portal is this year's main portal.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

888 is always important and the 26th of this month will open the gateway to the 888 because we'll have that eight energy, we'll follow it by 8-8, and it will continue on for another week. So it's about a two week period of time where we have this gateway, this lion's gate, leo portal, which is gently open now, opening on the 26th, and will be at its peak energy on 888. And, of course, this is an eight year. So we're talking infinite abundance, we're talking about infinite possibilities and we're talking about infinite potential for miracles, and that is the energy. So so be looking for that special offering that will come out this week or early next week for an online opportunity. And, of course, if you're interested, between now and then, we have the shaman, we have the shaman weekend, we have two slots left for the shaman weekend in August with Mecca, and we're also teaching the inner Circle the first weekend of August. So a lot going on in my world. I hope you have an absolutely magical week and I will see you again next Monday.