Living Magically Podcast

Harnessing Lion's Gate, New Moon & Retrograde Energies | Energy Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 33

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Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the New Moon and Lion's Gate, harness its potent energy for personal transformation? This week on Living Magically, we explore the cosmic events shaping our world, including the opening of the Lionsgate portal and Mercury's retrograde in Virgo. With four other celestial bodies also in retrograde, it's the perfect time to conclude lingering projects and focus on healing and organization, especially as we approach Virgo season. We'll discuss how powerful solar storms could influence your health and habits, and share tips for detoxifying your life from toxic elements. Get ready to set powerful intentions for prosperity and personal growth during this extra potent Lionsgate period.

But that's not all! We also dive into why your engagement is crucial for expanding our podcast community. Whether you listen on Facebook Live, a podcast app, or YouTube, your comments, shares, and subscriptions make a huge difference. As we wrap up, we send out waves of positive energy, healing light, and activation energy from our hearts to yours, inspiring you to live magically. So join us, feel the transformational power of the Lion's Gate, and be part of a movement towards abundance and self-actualization!

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Hello and happy Magical Monday. It is, michelle, and this is the Living Magically podcast, and I wanted to just wish you a happy new moon. This is definitely going to be one of the biggest energy weeks of the year and there's a lot going on. There's the new moon that just happened in Leo, so that opens if it wasn't already open, it definitely opens the the Lionsgate portal, and so that happened on the 4th, and what we're seeing is this week of the new moon. There's also a lot of other things.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So we have Mercury going retrograde in Virgo here at the same time, just a few hours later and certainly by now you're starting to feel it and with that you have four other planets or asteroids in retrograde. So you have Chiron, the wounded healer, and all of this stuff happening at the same time. So you have this new moon and normally with new moons, I'd say start a big project and actually, because of this retrograde in Mercury, I would say start completing an old project, which means what is it you're trying to get off your plate so that you can get to your big picture items, and what is it you need to do so you can heal your wounded healer and get things done and because we've got Virgo and we're going to have a huge Virgo season next month, everybody's trying to get their health in order, their house in order, their mental health in order, and that is really the theme getting your house, your body, your life in order. And you're going to see that actually get really, really intense at the end of August and into September and it's going to be a theme all the way to the end of the year. And this sets us up and you're going to see this in politics right when everything is setting up for the future what are you creating for your future and what has to be done to do that. So it's not necessarily a time for new ideas. It's time for implementation of what it is you're becoming and what it is you're doing.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And then, of course, a lot of us feel the electromagnetic stress and we're having some of the most powerful solar storms and X-class solar flares than we've ever seen, ever seen in our lifetime and sometimes some of these flares are as high as others. It's just that we're we've never seen this many, ever in our lifetime repeated. It's kind of like a bombardment. You're actually seeing that we have changed our Earth's atmosphere. There's been so much solar cosmic dust that's created a different atmosphere at the edge of our gravitational pull.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So if you're feeling lethargic, if you're getting sick, if you're feeling like you need a detox, if you're having headaches and things, this is because we're looking to get better habits. So you're going to see a lot of people detoxing their body, needing to detox their body. A lot of people might decide that they want to eat better, drink less things, and that would be sugar and alcohol and even drugs and and that can be even prescription drugs but things that maybe you need to come off of or be less dependent on. We're seeing addictions coming to the surface. This can be addictions of toxic people, toxic behavior, toxic chemicals, anything that is needing to be removed, and that can also be toxic clutter and even down to your inbox and what you're responding to. So, whatever it is you're doing right now, it is about getting really mindful and getting really intentional and making this choice, for, for the sake of sometimes, we just need to do it, even if we don't want to, and this definitely brings us forward to checking into our values, checking into and um, putting putting ourselves in a position of what is it that's super important to me and what am I going to show? The world is important to me because we have Leo, and Leo is very egregious. It is, um, it is the face of the world and I just taught a really interesting class.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Okay, so I don't know what that just happened and I don't know what you're. You all just saw but, um, my phone did something weird because it's mercury retrograde and I don't like blaming anything, but, um, I'm just checking to see if I'm still recording. There definitely was a blip there where my phone did something really weird. So I apologize for anybody. And so where was I? Okay, so, as I said, you're just gonna have to roll with it. There's gonna be some. Don't take things that happen with your, your phone, your computer or your, or for your car or your life super. Personally, if something isn't moving smoothly, really the best thing to do is just laugh it off, go forward, move on. The other thing to do when mercury retrograde is always when we have this, especially this many things in retrograde, it's a good time to like, review and realign and plan ahead and make sure you dot your eyes before you travel or go forward, you know, sort of fearlessly. And, as I was saying.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I taught a class this weekend and one of the themes that came up for everyone is that we're working towards self-actualization, really really stop abandoning yourself with this Leo energy and really commit to yourself, and one of the ways you can do that is by connecting into this Lionsgate. This Lionsgate is is extra potent because it's at the new moon, it's just a few days after this new moon. It's extra potent because it is an 8-8-8 Lion's Gate. So whatever you're doing on Thursday, this is an intention day, even more so than the new moon. What are you looking at?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

For the big picture, we're actually starting to come into the abundance portal. On the 6th, sixth, we have the 15 degrees of Leo, which is starting that prosperity energy, and so if you're working with the Lions Gate in your intentions and magic, this is abundance. This is about being able to open up your self to receiving. This is about opening, opening up your methods of, maybe multiple sources of income, maybe this is allowing more love into your life, but whatever it is, it is definitely about being open to the bounty and the abundance that the universe has. I see it as two lions when we talk about the lion's gate two lions, one on either side and you're walking into this portal and through this portal, on the other side there's a version of you that you leave behind and a version of you that is coming forward and if you want to join us, we have a beautiful ceremony. The Bloom Temple, egyptian Oils is doing a beautiful ceremony.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We still have spaces left online on the morning of 8-8. We'd love to invite you to come and be part of that with us. It is going to be Rima and Star and I and it's going to be a very powerful activation. It's a day filled with mystics and magic and activation. So if you want to be in community, you want to be with us. What's wonderful is, if you can be there, live great. If not, we'll send you the recording and the activations will all be be available for you at any time that day and in the following days, because we really do have this whole weekend being part of the Lionsgate, still bringing in that energy of activation for the whole week, really starting now potent, the highest on Thursday and going through the weekend.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So these are acts of celebration, acts of magic, acts of thanksgiving, acts of gratitude, and that's what I would definitely be focusing on here is how potent. You can see that yourself in the future, really seeing yourself in that version of you that already is and then accepting what might need to change, like actually seeing the obstacles and the mindset that needs to go to be the version of you that is in the becoming, and then activating that energy on the 888 of the frequency and vibration of this is already who I am, this is my frequency, this is how I'm going to radiate into the world as the light of the world and therefore I'm going to change the world by being this person, by acting as this person, by taking actions in the energy of as is. So we're activating our own lion roar and we're activating our own beautiful portal of becoming and we're opening our doors like the lion's gate. To me is a flood open, opening of the doors to receiving. So bringing yourself into the receiving, bringing yourself into the activation, bringing yourself into the allowing and removing any less obstacles, path clear, obstacles removed and everything is going your way.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So that's what I see this week, and so, if you have any questions, please send me a message. Feel free to join us. I would love to have, I'd love to see every single one of you at the Bloom temple online temple, because the other thing that's important is that we're all putting the energy of the world we're creating into the grid lines that day. We want every single person connecting that day to new earth and to the next up level of the planet. So if you want to be very intentional in a group, please join us with the Bloom Temple online and it doesn't matter where you are on the planet. We made it early enough in the day that those of you in Egypt and Europe can join us. It should hit the ability for most of the time zones that we work with to be available. But even if you're alone, definitely spend some time at your 8am and your 8pm sending a wave of intention for the world as we are creating it, the world as we're desiring it, the world as we're connecting to it. Peace on earth up level for earth, up level for our soul and our soul's evolution and really creating new earth collectively and consciously and together. So I send that as a love note to you and an activation to all of you.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So just a quick sum up New Moon has already come in New Moon and Leo, so we're in that intention making window. The Lionsgate doors are open, with the peak being Thursday. Thursday and really through this entire weekend of celebrating and active mental capacity. Mercury is in retrograde, so we're reviewing, renewing and realigning and, because of it being in Virgo, we're looking at our health, our wellness, our systems and that that is personal, taking care of our own body, our house, our transportation and the worldview, taking care of the world as our home.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So let me know how this landed. Send me a comment. It really helps to put a comment. Send this to a friend. Please subscribe and like, and all of those things will help us get this podcast, or whether you're watching it as Facebook Live or listening to it as a podcast or listening to it on YouTube, please, please, please, share it, like it and subscribe, because that will help us get it to everybody in a way that makes the algorithm happy. And, in the meantime, I'm sending you healing light and love and activation energy from my heart to yours and live magically.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Thank you.