Living Magically Podcast

Navigating Retrogrades & Harnessing Aquarius Supermoon Energy | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 34

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How do you gracefully handle the cosmic chaos when multiple planets and asteroids are in retrograde? Join us on this Magical Monday as we explore powerful astrological shifts and the transformative energy post-Lion's Gate portal. With Mercury in retrograde and an imminent full moon, we dive into the significance of transitioning from Leo to Virgo season. Discover practical tips for self-reflection, improving communication, and creating systems for personal growth. As the Aquarius supermoon approaches, we'll discuss how to harness its energy for experimentation and incremental steps toward your dreams. This episode is your guide to embracing change and co-creating a vibrant new reality.

This week, I also extend a heartfelt invitation to a transformative Theta Healing class—an experience that profoundly changed my life back in 2010. As we align this opportunity with the start of the calendar school year, I'll share insights from my personal journey toward my true destiny and creative future. Learn how you too can embrace change, manifest new opportunities, and celebrate the full moon with meaningful rituals like dancing, drum circles, and burn ceremonies. Together, let's release the old and welcome the new, stepping into our best selves with purpose and power. Don't miss this chance to transform your life and align with the celestial rhythms guiding us.

Register for this weekend's ThetaHealing Basic DNA course here:

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and this week we have yet another Magical Monday and the energy right now is definitely a go with the flow kind of energy. We have four planets and an asteroid all in retrograde. We're still continuing with the Mercury retrograde until the 28th of August. We have three other planets in retrograde and we have Chiron, the wounded healer, in retrograde. So with all of that, we're being asked to. All of that we're being asked to to just take this intensity and move through it with as much grace and ease and flow as possible. And whatever is happening, try not to take it personally, because it's not happening to you, it's happening around you and it's happening to everybody.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

The other thing to think about here is that we're coming off of that big new moon that moved into the 8 8 portal. Some people say that today, which is the 12th, is the last day of the alignment. Other people are saying the end of the 8-8 portal is actually on the 17th, which is another 8. So you could still feel it and use it all the way up until the 17th, where we'll have another 8-8-8 day, where all of the energy adds up to 8 and we're still in Leo, all of the energy adds up to eight and we're still in Leo. Most people do not consider the 26th part of the part of the eight eight Lionsgate because at that point we'll have moved into Virgo. And it's interesting because the Mercury retrograde right now is in Leo and at the end of the month it will be moving into Virgo. So most of the time Mercury retrograde is in the same sign, affecting us the same way for the entire three weeks, and so this is kind of rare to actually have it affect us in more of a communication and outward way at the beginning part of this month and more about looking at things that we're analyzing and perfecting and creating systems for, at the end, even our health at the end of the month. So those two things will change here in another week and a half or so when we move into Virgo season.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

But right now, for this week, we are in the last week and a half of Leo, so these things are going to be really prominent with the energy of this Seeing yourself from a fixed state. Leo is a fixed sign, so when we are wanting, so look at this, it's how we see ourselves and how the world sees us, and so do not be in that fixed state energy where you are not willing to change. In fact, the whole world is going through an identity crisis and you are probably not the only one. In fact. Think about this in giving grace. If you're going through an identity crisis, and the world is going through the identity crisis, so is every person you come in contact with. We're asking ourselves who are we, and you probably are asking yourself who are you, and so I encourage you to look at what do I desire, what's gonna bring me joy and what am I going to do to make steps toward that. And Virgo season is going to be very helpful to start that integration.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In the meantime, we're going to have a full moon next Monday, which means we're in that manifestation time. The new moon was a week ago. We have a full moon in a week and you'll start really feeling that peak of the full moon, the manifesting side of the full moon, on Friday, saturday and Sunday, and as that goes forward, you might get more and more intense. So we're coming off of that Lion's Gate intensity and we're getting ready for a super moon intensity. So there's sort of a sweet spot in the middle which, like, might be about getting some things done or resting, so kind of getting over the full moon I mean the Lionsgate hangover, the energy hangover here on Monday, tuesday, wednesday, even Thursday and putting some things in motion, because when we're manifesting we want to put things in motion and we might be in a little bit of trial and error with some of these, with some of these retrogrades, but I do want you to make an effort toward actions, toward your dreams. We are creating here, together, a new world. We're co-creating a new reality and in that, what do you desire and how do you make tiny little, incremental steps Toward it?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So if it's weight loss journey, maybe you're, maybe you're putting Better food in your mouth or getting a little more exercise. Or if it's a sleep journey, maybe you're you're going to bed earlier. If it's an exercise journey, maybe you're just getting out there and taking a walk. If it's a work journey, maybe you're looking at new jobs or creating a new business. If it's a relationship journey, maybe you're starting to go out and meet people, start joining dating groups or putting yourself out there. If it's a family journey, you can see what I'm saying.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Whatever your journey is, make little steps and they don't have to be something you're going to do forever. At this point, they're the steps to get you to try it out. Try it on for size and remember you can reevaluate and you can change things as you go. There's experimenting in recipes and in science. Your life can be an experiment too, and that's this air, this energy. Really.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We have this Aquarius supermoon, and so that is a super moon about the new age and it's the dawning of a new age, and to do that, you're gonna be a new person and the world's gonna have a new viewpoint and there's going to be things that are just plain different. So give yourself some grace and give yourself a chance to make a mistake. Like we are so afraid of making a mistake or getting rejected that we don't try anything new. And so I'm really asking, inviting really you to be in a flow state and a new perspective and to create fun and changes and really get out there and take a risk. Take a risk without feeling like you have to be solid on it, like there's a liminal in between happening. Here we're going to be starting the eclipses. The next eclipse will happen um be happening at the following full moon after this one. So as we start moving into September and October.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

There's a change coming and so I love to try things on for size and just see how it feels, and that's it's a good time for that. We're not going to have any stable, stable energy until the new year and maybe even after that. 2024 the end of this year and all of 2025 is about true change on planet earth, and to do that that means all of these dreams and desires you're having for who you're going to be in new earth is coming to the surface. So I want you to really start acting as if I invite you to just be the version of you that wants to come forward and if you try it on and you don't like it, you have free will and agency to change it. And if you don't like who you've become, it's a good time to try that free will on and vocalize and invent. It's really perfect time for reinventing yourself and for that change to come in. I invite you to not be in stuck energy, but really in the flow and really in the curiosity and in the inquiry of what do I want, what do I desire, what can I become, what is possible, what I desire, what can I become, what is possible and how do I live my life from that level of purity and possibility and interest and excitement. And that's sort of where I'm at for this week. For you there is a huge day next Monday, so we'll talk about that energy on the next podcast.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

But this week, just go forward. It's the first day of school for so many this week, today, next week for some. So it's that new beginning of of a school year, a new educational time. So I think if this is a time to move forward, so if there's something you need to learn, whether you're starting out on high school or college, maybe it's time for you to be putting yourself into into earth school and learning what you wish to learn and and maybe making that extra commitment. Often it's a recommitment to it's. It's when we're in all these retrogrades. It's grabbing those commitments and those things you were doing that maybe got in life, got in the way and you sort of set them aside. So if there's something you've been meaning to do or partway through, great time to complete a project, great time to finish something that's got started that isn't finished, it's a great time to get things out of the way and done. That will give you more space, more time, more opportunity for the future, or even those certifications to give you more stability for that future career.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And on that note, because it is the beginning of a school year, I often start my spiritual life coaching program and teach Theta Healing with my weekend warriors healing with my weekend warriors. So I do have a basic theta healing class. It'll be the last one taught on a weekend until January. So if you are interested in taking a basic theta healing certification course with me and either just that as a one-off class or starting my spiritual life coaching program, we do have that entry point this weekend. It's Friday, saturday and Sunday and I really do hope that you would look at this life-changing modality if it is time for you to heal something deeply in yourself or if it's time for you to go out and make a new career, jump and or just make, if you're already a healer and you want to make remote and distance healing and deep spiritual changes for people and for yourself. So some people do it for themselves as a healing or they do it for others and, as I always say, give a healing, get a healing.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

The Theta Healing modality might just be something you want to look at I'm happy to get on a phone call if you have some questions and, like I said, it starts this weekend and so I did that very intentionally because it's the start of the calendar school year and I sort of treat it like a school in that way and I'm very serious about it. It changed my life In 2010,. I took my basic theta healing class and that was the moment that I started moving toward my actual destiny, my actual path of my creative future, and with that I invite you to class and I wish you a really magical weekend With that full moon. Go out and dance, have fun, do a drum circle, do a burn ritual, where you let go of something and you call something in. It is an incredible time for celebration, it's an incredible time for manifestation and as one phase of you leaves, another door opens. And I wish you a magical weekend, a magical week and a happy Aquarius full moon, amen.