Living Magically Podcast

Embracing Virgo's Practicality & Transitioning from Leo | Energy Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 36

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What if your week could be filled with magical insights and astrological wisdom to guide your every step? Join me, Magical Michelle, as we embark on an enchanting journey through the shifting energies of the stars. This week, we're transitioning from the fiery realm of Leo into the grounded, meticulous world of Virgo. As the powerful 888 Lionsgate portal closes, it's the perfect time for an energetic cleanup, setting up systematic plans and habits to manifest your desires. With Mercury going direct in Leo on the 28th, a sense of relief will wash over us, though we'll still need to tread carefully due to lingering retrogrades. Plus, with Venus gracing Libra just in time for Labor Day, love and harmony will be in the air, providing the perfect balance between socializing and self-care.

Looking ahead, I'll share some exciting September events, including two coaching slots and several engaging classes. As we celebrate Labor Day and bid farewell to summer, there's no better time to embrace the changing seasons. For those in Florida and the South, cooler weather is on the horizon, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. Our Northern friends should seize the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Virgo's connection to nature makes this period perfect for organizing, planning, and self-care. Tune in and discover how to harness these astrological energies to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Have a magical Labor Day week, and let's catch up next week for more celestial guidance and enchanting insights!

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Magically, I'm your host, magical Michelle, and it is yet another magical Monday and this week actually feel like a little bit of a break in such an intense energy. First, we just had the planets move into Virgo and that is going to feel a little bit less extreme than the Leo sun that we had last month. And even though we're ending this 888 portal today, the 26th if you're watching this, on the day that it comes out is the last of the 888 Lionsgate energy. It is now out of Leo, but this is sort of like that day to do the energetic cleanup. And one of the nice things is that, with this 888 day, we now have the idea of Virgo creating the systems of your new earth as you are starting to create. You're actually putting into place in this Virgo season the things that are going to be the systematic parts that create the habits and the plans and the reality that you're actually creating. So this is that last portal of wish fulfillment, karmic connection, and it starts next week, the beginning of the eclipse season. So this is like your pregnant pause, and what I love about this week is that we do have Mercury going direct on the 28th and that when it does do that, it's going to go direct in Leo, and so you're going to finally have that sigh of relief and have Mercury starting to move forward. It'll take a little pause again and it takes two weeks to get out of the shadow period some say three before it really gets its momentum. So you might still see some delays, some communication, and please be kind to everyone. Everyone else is going through the same thing right now as you. So think, before you speak and when you're making plans, check, recheck, triple check, when you're doing your planning and when you're doing your um, when you're doing your traveling and back up your electronics, anything that you're trying to do.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

You know it's still good to be careful, but the last thing that I want to say about this is that on the next day, venus enters Libra and Venus loves being in Libra. It is ruled by Venus. So Libra is a goddess and Venus is a goddess, and we're going to be starting to be in the I love you energy just in time for the holiday weekend. So at least here in the United States we have Labor Day weekend this weekend. Now, the only thing to really remember is we are still going to have other planets in retrograde. We still have the wounded healer in retrograde all the way until the end of the year. We still have Saturn in retrograde, so we do have other planets in retrograde. So it doesn't make everything perfect. It just makes everything calmer when Mercury goes direct, and so this weekend we're in dark moon. The new moon actually hits Monday night in the evening, eastern standard time, so we'll have a dark moon weekend.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

It should still be really good for getting together, especially with close family and friends, although you may want to limit how big your family and friends is. Who is your real family? Who are your real friends? You may not want to spend time with people that are not really resonant with you. You really want to check yourself, do I want to do this what is working, what is not working, and be honest with yourself. If there's something that you maybe plan to do, check in to see if you don't need rest, because the one thing about dark moon, and especially with the Schumann resonance so high right now, we are feeling a little bit of fatigue, so there is is a need to rest. So a lot of people might choose a combination this weekend. You might choose one day to really be social and one day to really really deeply rest.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

It's also a good time, though, for organization because of this Virgo energy. It's a good time, especially next week. If you're planning ahead to on Tuesday or Wednesday, think about starting exercise programs or better heat eating programs, or being more strict with meditating, or being more strict with like walking or anything that you're putting a new habit doing. The new moon in Virgo, which will be the first full day of that, will be next Tuesday. The day after the holiday weekend will feel like a really great time to start. So I know I'm talking about next week, but a lot of times that takes planning, and I know this is the last summer. Hurrah for those of us in the Northern hemisphere, especially those in the Northern states where the weather starts turning after this. Labor Day weekend.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So think about this as a time to get out, be out, be social. But also this week is a great time for planning, reviewing and creating that plan for your system and prepping for your system. Virgo loves a good prep, loves a good plan, loves a good schedule, a good itinerary, and so a lot of times with new moon, you want to be ready ahead. So maybe on Monday, which is a dark moon day, instead of being out and gregarious, you do that on Saturday, for example, and on that Monday you are in the dark moon energy of preparing and resetting and getting ready for the new moon. That happens next week and I'll talk much more about that next Monday. I will go live on the holiday because it'll be easy to do and I'll be doing it from Ohio. I'm going to be visiting my friends and family in Ohio. So if you are my Ohio friends and family, definitely let me know. Let me know what you're doing and I'd love to see you. In the meantime, do take really good nurturing care. Virgo loves to be taken care of and Venus in Libra loves luxury and romance. So if there's any way you can spend some quality time taking care of yourself or someone you love a little bit of romance, a little bit of luxury and and rest are all good things. So I feel like a lot of us might want a rest day on Monday following big activities over the weekend. Whatever you do, maybe you even have to go back to work. Do think about what you're starting. Next Tuesday, I I love a good habit forming for the new moon in Virgo and it is going to be the beginning of eclipse season, with the next full moon that's coming in September being a full moon, super moon, lunar eclipse. So we'll talk about that as it gets a little closer, but just letting you know it's coming. If you are wanting to connect with me, I have lots of opportunities for in-person stuff coming up.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In September. I'm doing a children's class of connecting with your inner child. Now that is an adult class for adults, connecting to their inner child and playing and building their intuition, and that is in the month of September. In Orlando, florida, we have a beautiful oils temple at the end of the month. For those of you who are wanting to continue on the oils journey and, of course, if you are my online family and friends, I have a brand new course that I'm taking this week. I'm actually in the middle of taking loving yourself, the new, brand new theta healing course and that will be online for everyone. That's taken basic, advanced and digging deeper. That course will be online on the 7th and 8th of September. And, last but not least, the game of life, which is a game changing course in theta healing, is at the end of the month.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So a lot going on in September for me. If you want to get a hold of me, please reach out. I have two spaces for coaching and these wonderful classes coming. So have an amazing Labor Day week. Enjoy your last real week of the summer in the United States, and for Floridians and the Southern people that means that it is going to start cooling off. And for my Northern my Northern friends, enjoy this beautiful time to spend outside in nature. Virgo loves a good day in nature as well, so get outside and enjoy this holiday weekend. Happy Labor Day and I'll see you again next week. Live magically.