Living Magically Podcast

Harnessing Energy Shifts Amidst Chaos & Embracing Calm | Energy and Spiritual Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 42

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What if you could navigate the chaos of natural disasters with an unshakable sense of calm and empowerment? Join us as we explore the intense energy shifts occurring during the week of October 7th, marked by solar flares and hurricanes, particularly impacting Florida. We share crucial insights on how to stay prepared both physically and spiritually, offering practical safety measures and spiritual practices to conquer fear and promote tranquility. By visualizing an energetic ball of light and invoking protection sigils, we aim to create a wave of love and support for those affected, encouraging listeners to stay centered and become the calm within the storm.

Unlock the secrets to self-actualization and transformation over the next 18 months. I'm thrilled to invite you to our World Relations course in Theta Healing, crafted for those with foundational knowledge seeking to make personal and global changes. Plus, discover the magic of the new class, Loving Yourself, set to align perfectly with the new moon on November 1st. This is a time for action, balance, and love—let's choose love over fear and visualize positive transformations in areas like North Carolina. Embrace your highest timeline and step into a world where magic and transformation are at your fingertips.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, michelle Orwick, and we have a very big energy in the atmosphere right now. So this is your energy report for the week of October 7th and currently, as we speak, we are past the new moon and we are past the massive solar flares that were some of the largest in recorded history, and we are past one hurricane and looking at another. So, no matter where you are on this planet, we are seeing seismic energies right now, whether that's solar flares, hurricanes and all kinds of things going on all over the world, and this is an energy shift. We see that the eclipses are now over. Some say that the the full moon on the 17th is a partial eclipse. It's not an official eclipse. It's similar to an eclipse. So there is big energy and it's the last of the super moons, which is part of the reason for all of this water being so intense. We are in literally intense times. There is a chinese curse, which is may you live in interesting times, and while I do not think we are cursed, I do think that there is some huge and flooding and rain and it is a big grand water trine this week, so we do have a lot of things happening. That is about change and purification and energy. So first thing I do want to say, because a lot of you are in Florida or Central Florida, so, yes, we do have a big storm coming. This may be one of the biggest storms Florida has ever seen and it may not. And after the last one, this, this kind of is super close and super intense. So, wherever are, whether you're in Florida or outside of Florida, and whether you're in a flood zone or not in a flood zone, take this one seriously and we can do some energetic shifts by praying into the storm. We actually send energetic love directly into the storm and when we do that, we see it slowing down, we see it dissipating, we see it passing by, passing through or just becoming a little bit less. So if you're doing prayers, that's what you're doing. You're practicing the art of releasing the intensity of the storm.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So, whether that's you're living in Florida or you're praying for Florida, if you're praying for people that are in a place where they don't have power or they don't have resources, another thing that you can do is fear creates an energy. We want to see the person or the place or the item empowered, and this isn't about spiritual bypassing. This is about choosing to hope for them instead of worry or fear for them. So most people um will do best if they are given an opportunity to have you send them unconditional love, protection and support. And so when you're doing this, think about it as seeing it complete, seeing them happy, seeing them whole, seeing them safe, instead of worrying about what could happen, and this includes yourself. That doesn't mean don't take care of yourself, of course, and just for my friends and family out there in the world, I have put down the storm shutters, we have gassed up our tanks and got food and made sure that there was water and batteries and all the things that a person in Central Florida knows to do, and we're not in an evacuation zone.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So I say to those that are in an evacuation zone or are close to one, don't take this particular storm too lightly. This is a very serious storm and it's backed by astrological predictions. What I'd say is take everything very seriously, but also take it from a place of putting the protection as an energy of ball of light. So see yourself being held, being supported, having everything you need. A prayer that I like to use is path clear, obstacles removed, everything's going my way. And then I just imagine that we're inside a ball of light, and inside that ball of light there is also a star, and so there is a protection sigil that you can find on my personal page that I'm grateful to Dickie Jo for always posting every time we have a hurricane, so just remember that you can place a sigil on your home that says please, pass this over, we're going to be okay. And essentially the way I do it is I hold the energy of a ball of light around my house, around my block, around my city, around my state, around my country and then around the world, and I do it in that order, so around myself, then my home, then my city, then my state and then around the world.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So if you want to do that little piece that creates coherence because our body has coherence when you start from the heart and this is why I've changed from activation energy to leading with love so start the idea of your solar field coming from the heart and it surrounds you all the way to your fingertips, and it's above you and it's below you, and it's in front of you and it's behind you, and then everything inside of that. Refill it with unconditional love, refill it with support, bring the earth energy up and bring the sky energy down or the solar energy down. Make sure that you're basically giving earth energy up and bringing solar energy down and giving that to the earth. You're the crystal on the grid, you're the conduit for energy, intention and spirit and you are very powerful. Don't forget how powerful you are. How you feel, how you vibrate and how you express yourself will help you through.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

But also remember that when things don't go the way you want it to, there is a piece of divine timing, peace of divine timing, and so my my piece this week is stay centered Whatever's happening. Be the calm in the middle of the storm, be the calm for your friends and family, and because everything is best when you're coming from that place of calm. And I know a lot of things are being canceled this week we have canceled our oil temple on 1010. I know that the show that Mecca is doing that was supposed to be at the Mystic Market on Friday is canceled to be rescheduled. So if you're looking, a lot of things are being canceled and rescheduled and you may see that everywhere.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

There is an astrology for that too, so this is often when we are stuck inside, it is time to go inward, it is time to reflect on where you are, because we still had that new moon that was very powerful last week and we are in a time of new beginnings. So see this as a cleansing, see this as a purification. I just let go of at least a quarter of all my kitchen supplies kitchen wares not my supplies as far as food, but like old coffee mugs and old dishes and things that I was hoarding, because I don't need to have a place setting for 18 in my kitchen. There's like three people, maybe five people, that ever eat here at a time, so, and it's okay to let go. So what are you letting go of? What are you shedding? What are you doing to come into your center?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We're still deep in Libra season the light and the dark, the shadow and the light. We're in that place where we're balancing the masculine and the feminine, the outer world and the inner world, and I do see this week as that aspect of really coming into your inner self and what it is you need to connect with for yourself, in your world, in your light, and I think it'll get like the aftermath on the weekend will be much clearer where things will come to light. Things will come to fruition as we get closer and closer to that full moon that happens on the 17th. So I see this beginning of the week as a clearing, like a preparing and a clearing, and then next second half of the week and into next week is a major illumination and I think you're going to see a lot coming to light. You may even see, based on the astrology, some things that have been hidden from us. It's going to be interesting. I predict that we're going to see things in our government and in the world at large that's been hidden from us coming out this week before that eclipse, before the 17th and 18th.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I expect maybe some disclosure on some big stuff. That's my prediction, is that you're going to have some things come out that are maybe a big surprise. Maybe it won't be a surprise, but it is fully, clearly illuminated and that can be in the government, that can be in politics, it can be in big business and social media and entertainment. We might see more disclosure in the entertainment industry, but it could also be in your personal aspect of your life. What is it that truths need to come out? And this could be truth to yourself. What is illuminated to yourself that you might need to be really honest with yourself about, and maybe it's something you need to tell someone else. Maybe you've been thinking about something that, um, it's time to share with another person and you've been a little bit of afraid to do that, um, and maybe it's about getting vulnerable so that you can be loved and accepted. We, we want to be loved.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In Libra season, it is all ruled by Venus and we're getting close to Scorpio season and some planets are already starting to get into Scorpio, so we're going to see some heavy, heavy transformation in the next six weeks. Mark my words personally. The deep inner transformation is right here on our doorstep, ready for us to become, ready for us to dig deep, dig into our hearts. So the advice I have for you is get really honest with yourself and then share that honesty with others and Be illuminated. Choose balance and centering over ego and drama. Choose truth and honesty over trying to help somebody not feel bad.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Now I want to be careful. I don't want you to spiritual bypass and be mean. There is nothing spiritual about just puking out your truth in a way that's mean to others. So I've seen, um, I've seen people put up boundaries so hard that it's it's like slapping somebody in the face, and I've also seen people, um, speak their truth so bluntly and so powerfully and so rudely that they hurt everybody around them. That isn't what we're talking about in Libra season. So I think that, even though we want to be honest and we want to have full disclosure, I think the moderation is the best, and remember that the truth can come out in a way that is illuminating and loving. So remember to lead with love, remember to choose kindness, because, even as we're placing ourselves as the most important thing, because this is a time of self-actualization One of the most important things that is going to come into play after the first of November is self-actualization.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So this time, right now, is a lead up to that. I mean, you're probably going to hear me use the word self-actualization for the next, you know, 18 months, all through the rest of this year, all of 2025 and into 2026. Self-actualization may be the most important thing you can start doing as this big opportunity for transformation for yourself, for the world and for others. And so I'm really excited because I'm teaching world relations at Theta Healing course next week. So if you do have the basics of Theta Healing basic, advanced, digging deeper and you have been wanting to take World Relations. I have a little bit of room left in that class. It is a powerhouse of a class and if that is something you're interested in, just send me a message and we'll get you signed up for it as well as I finally put my favorite new class, the brand new class Loving Yourself, into the calendar. We'll be doing that that first weekend of November and, like I said, that is so astrologically timed for that new moon, because there is a new moon on the 1st of November. So to do a class about loving yourself and self-actualization on that first weekend of November after that new moon, is the perfect timing. So if you've been wanting to take the new Theta Healing class that first weekend of November, is it?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So if there's anything you are looking to really dedicate yourself to, this is the week. This is the week to like, really take that action, step, find your center, find the balance, move forward. Don't let fear be your ruler, even though there's a lot going on. Make sure that love is your leader and you are leading with love, and that this is an opportunity for cleansing and purification rather than a place for fear and worry and concern.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So, if you were wanting to do anything, just hold the love, send the love. Hold the love to see your friends and family and yourself safe, healthy, happy and whole. And if there is something like the devastation in North Carolina, see it being reconstructed, see it whole. So your visualization that's going to help these places and help these people is to see everything as you wish it to be and that they wish it to be, which is fully restored, fully protected, fully aligned with its highest timeline. And that's the thing to do right now is to call in your highest timeline and, and that will do wonders for you hold the love, hold the joy in your heart and remember I love you and it's the perfect time to do some invoking magic. So do that and live magically.