Living Magically Podcast

Harnessing Scorpio's Transformation & Samhain Magic | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 44

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Unlock the secrets of transformation as we guide you through the mystical transition from Libra to Scorpio season, heralding the enchanting period of Samhain. I'm Magical Michelle, and alongside my spirited co-host, Joy, we promise to illuminate the thinning veil between our world and that of our ancestors. This episode is packed with insights into the powerful astrological transits, including Pluto's last curtain call in Capricorn. You'll learn about the significance of cleansing rituals, such as burning old brooms—a cherished tradition of mine for 25 years—and resetting tarot cards, all designed to help you release what no longer serves you.

As emotions soar and astrological energies heighten, we invite you to harness this potent time for personal growth with love and light. Our message is one of hope and action: pursue your dreams relentlessly and hold your desires close, stronger than any fear. This transformative season is about nurturing what truly matters, creating a life filled with joy, health, and peace. Trust in the magic of the universe, stay true to your heart, and join us at our community events in Orlando for an immersive experience in Celtic Shamanism, oil anointing rituals, and sound healing sessions. Together, let's embrace this magical journey and live with intention and enchantment.

Samhain Celebration - Egyptian Oil Temple and Sound Healing

Celtic Shamanism Weekend (Saturday, Sunday, or both)

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, magical Michelle, and this week we have a big, huge energy shift as we move into Scorpio season. And I just want to start by saying hello and this is my co-host, jo Joy, who really wanted to be in the video tonight. So if you're listening to this as a podcast, you could also come on live with us. Sometimes we do this live on Saturday or on Monday nights, live on this Soul Circle Facebook group. So if you ever want to watch live, you get the video faster than if you're waiting for the podcast, which usually comes out on Tuesday morning. So let's get into it, because it is so juicy and it is so.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

There's just a lot going on, a lot to unpack right now. What is happening is today, october 21st, or, if you're listening to this, on the 22nd is the end of Libra and we're moving into Scorpio, and Scorpio is when we actually hit the season of the witch, or true Samhain season. This is when the veil starts getting really thin. This is when we celebrate the halfway mark between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. When this happens, we start seeing the veil between this world and our ancestors get really, really thin, and this also makes it a season for magic, and just because Scorpio is transformation, so it's death, it's magic, it's a very watery emotional sign and what's interesting is right now, as I'm looking out the window, we had a flash rain shower just in time for this video. So it's cleansing. It may feel purging, but it's meant to be cleansing. So what is it you are purging? What is it you are cleansing? So, as we are leaving Libra, it's that last moment of finding balance before we go all the way into this new beginnings and ends. So that last full moon was an ending portal and we're right now in that dark moon.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This week, we will be in the dark moon, which is why you're going to see a lot of bonfires. This is a fire holiday. Bonfires this is a fire holiday. This is a holiday about bringing our transformative properties to light. So, while we have water, we also have it being a fire of transformation, very phoenix-y, very letting go, burning away, cleansing and the water washing away and removing the old version of us.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

As when we hit November 1st, we have a potent new moon. It's one of those really great new moons because it's on what we would consider true Samhain, when we see the first day of the new moon, in between the solstice and before that winter solstice and after the fall equinox, we consider that the witch's new year. So right now we're looking at what are we, what are we letting go of? What did we do that we liked, and so we want to do more of what did we do that we are complete with? And and I think of this less of of getting rid of negativity, I think this one is more like what are you done with, what have you finished, and are ready to take off your table A fall housekeeping sort of energy.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And there's also a lot of like really powerful transits. This is the very last time in our lifetime we're going to be seeing Pluto and Capricorn, and that ends on the last day of Scorpio season, which is November 19th. So, that being said, there's going to be a lot of endings this month. There's going to be a lot of endings that come with new beginnings, and this is why we burn our old brooms. So I will do a big spiritual cleansing of my house, and that means I will sage it. I will use frankincense, I will use the witch's broom to sweep, sweep with this broom all negativity from this room and I will move it out of the house and send it off into a new energy. It's a big ritual I do it's been something I've been doing for almost 25 years where At this time, I'm going to reset all of my tarot cards, I'm going to reset my house, I'm going to change my sheets on the 31st of October because it is the dark moon. So this is that time where we're preparing for that new experience by cleansing old, stuck energy, and when we do that, it allows us a fresh start. It allows us a new perspective, it allows us a beginning of sorts.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you want to do this in community, we will be burning our brooms and going through those elements together as a shaman, the shamanic energy of Celtic Samhain, this Saturday at my home in Orlando, florida. So I do have one or two spaces left. Somebody did ask me if I'm only available on Saturday. Do I have to do the whole weekend? No, I do have spaces for Saturday and spaces for Sunday, which is the day we're going to be crafting our brooms and working with our ancestors. So there are two separate things or they can be bought together. So I have just a few more spaces and a couple more days to sign up for the Celtic Shamanism weekend and also preparing for that. We do have an oil anointing on Thursday at the Center Street with Patrick, so we're going to be doing a Samhain ritual of anointing with oils and listening to sound healing, and all of that this Thursday coming up at the Center Street Studio in Altamont Spring. So a big weekend. You're going to see a lot of people doing bonfires, burning away, cleansing and removing the old, any kind of ritual which is about transformation.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is the perfect time. It's a very clear season to do magic and expect miracles. However, emotions are high. There is such a thing as an energy hangover and we are in it. That energy hangover has us all feeling a little bit intense, and there's also a lot of energy with the elections coming up. So be kind and understand that the astrology around the elections is one of the most intense we have ever seen at election day. So vote and vote early.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I don't usually get really political on here. I am going to say that the astrology is very revolutionary and if it matters to you, if this is, if this and you can see that this might be the most important election of your entire life, especially as women of your entire life, especially as women. Go vote. Go vote, because we are not just voting for a candidate right now In If you don't want to lose all your rights, especially as women. Now is an important election. This is revolutionary. We're about to see some of the most crazy astrology you have ever seen. Over the next 18 months, we are starting new earth and to do that, we must voice our silenced opinions. So, if you are done listening to me right here, I'm about to go into something a little bit more intense than I normally talk about, so this is going to be more intense. So just this is your warning If you're looking just for astrology. That is where I end here.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I do want to say that this is the potential, in the next two weeks, to get into another burning time. Women have been crucified as witches for a really long time, and the reason why is they want to take away our power and our rights, and this is a time whether you're doing this politically or in your own personal life this is this time to take back your power, to take and this is true even if you're a man right, this is the time to take your rights for your body, your religion, your right to free speech, your right to love who you wish to love. This is the most important election history is ever going to see, because if we go backwards, we will start having more and more people crucified again. We have an astrology moment where we could go back to the burning times and we want to celebrate all that we have already received as far as our power and our potential. This is that moment in time. This is the last moment of Pluto and Capricorn, and there's a lot of astrology right, very revolutionary astrology right on election day.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And so if you are ready to revolutionize yourself, if you are ready to move forward as new earth, this is a time to take back our power, to take back our voice, to take back and speak with your vote, but also speak with your voice in your personal life. You might have to stand up to something that is not fair, isn't just. It might be time where you no longer are sticking with the status quo in your life. It might be uncomfortable, and this is really important to think about. When we want to be something different, we cannot do the same thing. So change is big If we want to be someone else, and this is in personal transformation as well as national transformation or world transformation. If we want to be something else this is Scorpio in a nutshell we must become that other thing, and that takes a transformative process, like the butterfly. The butterfly literally goes into a cocoon and dissolves, literally becomes goo, and then reforms to become something else. So you are seeing this in the astrology.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is the time of taking down a structure that's been in place for a very long time, long before this country was even formulated have we had the structure for a couple of thousand years where women and the underdog, any kind of underdog, has been shifted for power. And you're seeing this all over. You're seeing this in the media, you're seeing this in Hollywood and in the music industry. You're seeing where people who are kind of evil, kind of not doing the right thing, are coming to light, of not doing the right thing, are coming to light. We're shedding light into the darkness. We're seeing what is happening in the world shifting and I really do expect the world order to be very intense over the next couple of weeks, all the way through the end of November 19th, and then I'm going to be interested in seeing what that first part of that, you know, end of November and beginning of December looks like, because it's so different than anything we have ever had in the astrology in our lifetime, Never going to happen again in our lifetime. This energy so we've been living in it for 20 years and, in some ways, 2,000 years, and it's New Earth, the age of Aquarius. It's coming forward right now.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So what does that look like in your life? What stance do you have to make for your personal self? What does that mean as far as talking to other people about what is necessary for you, what is necessary in your heart? And then, on a very personal note, what actions do you have to take that may be uncomfortable for you to be the version of you you've always known to be? This might mean you've had false starts in the past. I know a lot of people that are coming back and revisiting their true heart's desire right now and they're having obstacles removed, and that means maybe they lost their job or they're leaving a relationship, or they're being forced to move. There's something that they willingly or unwillingly have to remove from their life to move forward. I also see those who are really on an evolutionary path making the choice. Maybe that's making a choice to get healthy and eliminate something like sugar, caffeine or alcohol or drugs. So, whatever it is that you've maybe been resisting, now is the time to do that uncomfortable yet powerful transformation, to be the version of you that is ready to show up and build new earth.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

The only way we're going to have a new world order is for each of us personally to take our own self-actualized step in the direction of becoming a love leader. You may have noticed that I've changed my wording to I am a love leader instead of an activator. I feel like we're very activated already. What we have to do is lead with love instead of fear. We need to vote with love instead of fear. We need to hold the vision of our future with love instead of fear. With love instead of fear. We need to take right action for ourselves, for our family, for our friends, for the country, for the planet, with love, not fear. There's absolutely no fear in love, and so, if you are ready to make that quantum leap, now is the time you could see yourself. Maybe there is something you have tried and you keep seeming to fail.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Now is the karmic time for all of those practice sessions to actually come into alignment to actually come into alignment. Think of everything up till now in your life as being a dress rehearsal for November 1st 2024 and the future that you're building from that day. So we really see that new moon on the 1st being the beginning of a new era, and again we're going to see it really stable in on the new moon in Sagittarius, and then we'll see it really, really, really stable in once we hit the next lunar new year in January, february. So there's a lot of transformation, a lot of change, and it's going to be really rapid. You might see a lot of surprises come in. One phone call could change your world. One little piece of information where you find out what you've been working toward, has happened or is coming through, or an opportunity or a chance meeting at the grocery store, or you know just anything you have almost set aside because you're not sure that it's ever going to happen, or you've been trying and trying and trying.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Don't give up. Now. This is that dark moon that's like the dark night of the soul, where this is the moment, people, the moment of transformation. This is the most powerful moment we have ever seen as a collective consciousness. So hold the line, hold the vision, hold the power of your heart in unified nature and if you need a session or you need and decide that in this next 90 days you want a big transformation, send me a message. I do have one coaching, one full time coaching slot for a big transformation available right now. So if that's something you want, please send me a DM, because I do have one living magically align with the light coaching package available. I've got this weekend shaman experience available and, of course, we're going to be playing with oils, with Patrick and sound healing on Thursday.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In the meantime, be really gentle, be nice to yourself, take that righteous action. Cleanse, clear and purify the old. You Don't give up on the big dream and take action steps toward that big transformation, because this is the time. There's been no more powerful time, there's been no more powerful season of the witch transformation in an alchemy kind of way, in a butterfly unfolding kind of way. So stay true to your heart, be in love and hold that vision. Hold the light in your physical body and hold what you desire for this timeline your joy timeline, your health timeline, the peace timeline for planet Earth, whatever you want to call it. Hold the vision of what you desire stronger than what you fear and it's all going to work out beautifully and I will see you on the other side. Have a wonderful week, live magically, and I'll see you again next Monday.