Living Magically Podcast

Harnessing Halloween's Magic & Transformative Energy | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 45

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Unlock the secrets of the season as we journey through the mystical realms of Halloween and Samhain. Discover how these celebrations act as portals, guiding us from the full moon in October to the full moon in November, with the darkest moon offering the thinnest veil between worlds. I, magical Michelle, invite you to explore how intentional costume choices can awaken or heal archetypes within us and the importance of honoring our ancestors with rituals like dumb suppers. Learn about the transformative power of the Scorpio new moon, signaling cycles of death and rebirth, and dive into the symbolic magic of the 1-1-1 to 11-11 portal, ushering in new beginnings and prosperity.

Join a heart-centered journey of transformation as I prepare for an arrow break ceremony at my home in Orlando, alongside a dear friend from Utah. We explore the art of cleansing with sage, lemon water, and cinnamon brooms, clearing old energy to embrace our unique magic. Setting intentions and programming water can manifest profound change, helping us embody our true selves. As Samhain's fire rituals and candle magic illuminate our paths, you're invited to a live Soul Circle session for collective healing and meditation on the eve of elections. Embrace the witchy spirit of Halloween, let your magic soar, and pave a path filled with joy and new beginnings.

Arrow Break (11-11 Experience) :

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Magical Michelle Orwick:

Hello and welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, magical Michelle, and it's yet another Magical Monday as we enter into the really big week. This is Halloween week, samhain week, and oh, I just wanted to give a quick little happy birthday to our mascot, joy, who is turned four today. This is her birthday. She's our little Halloween kitty and there's a lot of Halloween birthdays this week, so I wish all of my Scorpio season people a happy birthday. It's a big, energetic week for everyone. So I'm coming to you here from my little witchy cottage with my beautiful hat and we are deep in the celebration mode.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is one of those power portals and some years Halloween is more Halloween-y than other Halloweens, and this particular year we have a deep energy about the Samhain season, or Halloween, and I wanted to kind of explain my perspective on everything, because there's a lot of talk about when is Halloween. Obviously, in America, we celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October. It's just an exact halfway point in the calendar season between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice, and so that's just when we put it on the calendar. And of course, someone says well, do you celebrate Halloween, do you celebrate Samhain? And so I celebrate Samhain, and so I celebrate both and all. For me, it's a season, and the season starts at the full moon in October and goes to the full moon in November, and that can change. The deepest day, where the veil between the worlds is thinnest, is on the dark moon between those two full moons. So that's what the Celtic world would have called Samhain, or Samhain, or there's many ways you pronounce it. I'm a Ohioan in Florida, so I pronounce it Samhain. That's just how I say it. I don't know that there's an exact right or wrong way, and that's something I also wanted to bring up. These are traditions that have thousands of years of of background, and some are brand new. Like all things that we have done, we have experiences and parts of them that go back thousands of years, and then we have things that have just come in in the last couple of decades, the last century. So I celebrate what feels right for me.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I love the costume aspect of Halloween. As you can tell, I love I've always loved a little good dress up, a little good spirit of embodying the thing that you're becoming. I do recommend you think about it intentionally, though, because when we're talking ancient energy, when we dress up as something in shamanic work, we're taking on its energy. Often we're bringing out an archetype, something that needs to be healed in us or awakened in us or shown to the world. So even though we are putting on a costume or a mask, we're actually putting on something that needs to be brought out and shown to the world. So it's an interesting little tweak, but this week, as we are going into it, we actually have the calendar year of the 31st meeting up with that dark moon, so the veil will be the thinnest on Thursday night, and so this whole week is perfect time to work with your ancestors.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I know we have several different ancestral cultures on the first and second of November as well, the Day of the Dead, all Saints Day many different names that that can be spoken with, but what is true universally is that this is a time to speak with our ancestors, those that are beyond the veil. So we can put out a dumb supper, which the word dumb actually means silent. So dumb supper could mean eating a meal with your ancestors sitting and communing quietly, or you could just do it the other way, where it's more loud and joyous and celebratory, where you place actually their favorite foods. So it's done in a bunch of different ways pictures on an altar, a candle lit in the window. There's many, many ways and traditions to celebrate and, again, not necessarily a wrong way. I encourage you to do what feels and resonates best for you, and so don't get wrapped up so much in perfection as much as intention. And so if I could study five different kinds of spiritual traditions, every single one would have a slightly different way. So there's no right and wrong. Celebrate it, but definitely make it celebratory and make it respectful.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

The other thing to think about and this is sort of where it becomes interesting to me right now is the Scorpio new moon. This year. Has that really, really potent new beginning, as we have completed the eclipse cycle, we have completed a lot of really strong astrology and we are in the very last bits of a very last time. We will be in Pluto and Capricorn, and so that ends on the 19th of November. So this is transformation. For me, scorpio means death and rebirth, transformation, magic ritual, and when we unite with that new moon, we're letting go, we're shedding a skin, we're burning down and releasing the old version of us, and that Pluto Capricorn transit really is talking about an entire way of being gone from us by the end of this year Actually the end of this month, coming up over the end of November, and with that comes the November 1-1-1 to 11-11 portal.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So this year we have a new moon on 11-1s, or the first day of November, so that makes a 1-1-1. And what's interesting is, because it's an eight year, it actually is an 11. So if you add up 1-1-1 and eight, it's an 11 day. So there's that energy of three which is finding balance. There's the energy of the new beginnings, of the 111 angel number, there's the energy of it being a beginning of a new moon portal season and it's also the energy of the transformative energy of the 11. So you've got a lot. Even the eight is prosperity and abundance and karma.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So we're ending an old karmic cycle and when you're ending karma, we don't have to have anything other than an opportunity to heal it, release it, acknowledge it, understand its lesson and let it go. So we're not looking to have to do anything other than allowing ourselves to be transformed. This is transformation. There is a heaviness in the collective consciousness because we are looking to transform the collective consciousness in that window. So we have an opportunity consciousness in that window. So we have an opportunity. There's two sides, two energies, and we're going to have new earth splitting energetically from. We're going to have this new paradigm and an old paradigm living simultaneously and getting farther and farther apart.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So, if you notice, there's people who, specifically, are just not having a good time and then there's other people who are rising. So it's the people who've done their shadow work are just. This is like a magic carpet, taking us to where we need to do, where we need to go. And don't get me wrong, this is the deepest, most potent time maybe ever to do some shadow work. Give me a shout out. I've been asked to do a short energy workshop in November. Just a couple of hours, one evening or weekend for maintaining and holding a strong love, vibe, energy field. So if that's something you're interested in, please leave me a comment. If I get enough comments, I will do an energy maintenance workshop, even not meant just even for beginners, but just back to the basics of how to bubble up and stay in the good energy when the collective consciousness is going a little wild, and this season has a lot of that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So we're holding the highest timeline and what the negative wants us to do. What the negative collective wants us to do is live in fear, live in shock and trauma. So the more we can push back past and live in love and live in unity consciousness, the more we're going to move away from that collective consciousness of fear, that collective consciousness of control, possibly even the collective consciousness of top-down structure and form a new way. We're moving into the age of Aquarius. We have an opportunity here for a really different experience than we've ever had in our lifetimes and even in the last 2000 years. So this is the time to absolutely hold your vision of what you desire, and that's both collectively for the group consciousness. Hold that, hold that thought, hold that love. Be a love leader. Vote with love. Be very clear with the timeline and the desires and the things you want.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

A lot of people are coming online with this new moon and this new year energy. Both now and in January and even in February, you're going to see a lot of people changing what they're doing, changing the people around them, their work, their, their experience, their life to really set themselves up to be moving into their life purpose. You're gonna see a lot of moving into their life purpose. You can see a lot of people living their life purpose really more focused on vibration and and love instead of stuff and things. You're gonna we're gonna be being instead of doing. We're going to be. We're going to be holding unity consciousness more and more and more, so like when you get into that love energy. You're going to get into the love energy. So you know what is it that you're looking to do that's going to bring you more joy, more love.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

How can you lean into making love part of your plan? How do you lean into living more of your life purpose? How do you live more in your heart and less in your fears, in your brain, in your worry? Because, remember, we're already made to be enough. We're already made to be love. We are made of divine light. The reason why we're so heavy right now is there is that 1% and above that really wants the world to not change, to not grow, to not be what is possible. So don't let fear take over. Use this new moon to let love be the process. Let unity consciousness be your heart. Take that action step, take that emotional step. Do the thing that your heart if I were to call this one thing, it would be this Scorpio new moon on November 1st. 1-11 would be find your heart's desire and, through those days up till November 11th, up to the full moon in November, take action, steps and emotions to build more joy, more purpose, more pleasure, more alignment into your life, and that's just it. That's all we need to do is be really intentional, really on purpose.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

A deep friend of mine from Utah is coming and on 11-11, she has offered to do a ceremony, a transformational ceremony, an arrow break ceremony here in Orlando, florida, in my home. I'm just hosting. I've never had a ceremony like this, so I'll be one of the participants, but we'll be hosting that 11-11 ceremony here at my home in Orlando, florida. So this is that month. What are you bringing to the table? What are you sharing? How are you holding love, not fear. How are you creating your own heart-centered, heart-based love life, love life. Not love life romantically, but loving life, life filled with love and magic and transformation.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So this is a good week, on a very witchy tip note, to sage your house, clean your house. One of the things we were talking about this weekend was using some lemon water to mop your floors with real lemons. You can use sage and incense, of course, to get old energy out. And my favorite is to take your cinnamon broom and sweep counterclockwise through your home. Whether it's a new broom or it's last year's broom, it's last year's broom. Sweep the old energy out, especially with that first of the month. A lot of people like to do the cinnamon blowing, the cinnamon and salt at your doorstep on the first of the month. Well, add that cinnamon broom sweep, because you're sweeping out old, stuck energy from the old year and you're energizing, you're activating, you're creating. Friday's just going to be very potent. The whole weekend's going to be potent for new moon magic. I love Fridays for a new moon because it's ruled by that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Venus and Freya, love and beauty, energy, hathor, if you're looking at the Egyptian pantheon but it's love and beauty. And Scorpio is all about transformation and magic and seeing beyond the veil. So we're connecting with our ancestors, we're connecting with our gifts. We're connecting with our gifts. We're connecting with our magic. What is your unique magic that you're bringing to the world?

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This new moon is time for you to step into it with grace and ease and love and joy. There's so much potency available right now. It's beautiful and you're beautiful. You're beautiful. Remember your beauty. Remember the beauty, way. They call it the beauty way, because it is available for eyes to see and ears to hear. It's all frequency, it's choice, it's your mind, it's your thoughts, it's your words, it's your action, it's your frequency. You get to choose your timeline. You get to choose whether you're in grace. You get to choose whether you're in love. You get to choose your own hope. Be the light in the darkness. Right now, because we are in a dark time, it's the dark of the moon and we will be in that dark of the moon all the way until Friday.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And with that dark moon is the release, the full surrender of letting go of an old way of being. And I just really see that as this one 11 portal, with the new moon in Scorpio, being a full release of an old way of being, old habits, old identity. There's nothing more identity than Scorpio. It's a shedding If you think of a snake, of shedding its skin so it can grow, or a phoenix as it burns away so it can grow, or a phoenix as it burns away, cleanses and releases. It is then able to rise as the new version. So when we cross over that threshold into the 11-1 and 11-11, we walk into the time of becoming that frequency, being that frequency, already holding and embodying the frequency of the version of you that you're becoming. You just literally step into it. How does that version of you smell? How does that version of you see? What does it see? What does it smell? What does it smell? What does it hear? What does it speak? How are you embodying that version? That's real magic, right. The real magic comes in the details. Some say the devil's in the details. I say the magic's in the details.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

You can make a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and you're just making it with no intention. Or you can bless the water and you can bless the herbs and you can place them in with intention, or the coffee beans or the cacao or whatever you're making, and you can stir it with a right spin, energy and set an intention. And you can do this with water too. Set an intention and program the water and as you drink it in, you're actually bringing that into your body. That's one of the water rituals we can do with a new moon in Scorpio is to actually drink in our intentions.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Anytime we have a new moon and a water sign, I love to make some kind of potion. For me it's butterfly tea, because it starts out blue and you stir in a little bit of lemon and it becomes purple, but it can never go back to being blue. It can never go back to being blue. So when you do that, you recognize that you are making a change and you can't go back to being blue. So when you do that, you recognize that you are making a change and you can't go back to the old version of you. There's nothing more specific than that. Right now is the old version of you is dying, letting go, cleansing, removing and releasing, and the new version of you is stepping all the way in. Are you going to lead with your heart? Are you going to lead with your joy? Are you going to lead with your desire and your choice and your soul purpose? If that's the case, you're going to have a magic carpet ride right now straight to where you're going. There's a lot of energy for that deep, transformative new beginning.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So candle magic, because it is a fire holiday. Samhain is considered one of the four cross-quarter holidays, so it is a fire holiday. So you could do a fire and you could write out what you're letting go, or you can burn your old broom, or you could write out something and burn it in the fire. You can take and build a bonfire and just sit and fire, gaze or light an intentional candle and gaze into the candle and see what your ancestors may be bringing. I like road opener candles right now. I like ancestor candles right now. I like any kind of sage or cleansing type candles white, black, purple, blue these are good Orange for prosperity, and then, once you get through to the new moon, the color of the candle could be the intention that you are of the emotion that you're seeking. Okay, I know that was a lot, so I hope you have a literally happiest Halloween. You've ever had, the most beautiful Samhain season that you've ever had An incredible 11-1 to 11-11 portal and I will see you again here next Monday to do a clearing.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

I've made a decision that the Monday night before the election we will be doing this live call here on Soul Circle. So if you're watching it on YouTube or you're wanting to join us from the podcast, I do on Monday nights, do the video live in my Facebook group on Soul Circle and then, of course, by Tuesday morning it gets out to all the other different places that we put it like the podcast and the YouTube channel. But if you want to come live with us, I'm going to be doing a healing and a meditation for the collective consciousness the day before elections, since it is such an important day. So hold your highest timeline. Join us next week for a very, very special Soul Circle. Have a happy, happy Halloween, be your favorite witchy witch at this time and, you know, happy haunting, happy flying my witches. Fly, witches fly, make your magic, make your joy. There's no better season for magic this is true, the season of the witch, and I love you. Live magically, the witch, and I love you live magically.