Living Magically Podcast
Welcome to the enchanting world of the Living Magically Podcast with the captivating Magical Michelle Orwick! 🌟 Immerse yourself in a weekly journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration as Michelle expertly guides you through the realms of magic and mysticism.
Each episode is a treasure trove of insights, offering a kaleidoscope of topics that include Energy Updates, Astrology Revelations, Meditative Journeys, Activations, and the art of Magical Living. Michelle's unique blend of wisdom, warmth, and wonder will transport you to a space where the extraordinary becomes the norm.
Join our growing community of seekers, dreamers, and magic enthusiasts as we delve into the cosmic tapestry of existence. Whether you're a seasoned mystic or just beginning your magical journey, Living Magically is your passport to a world where the mundane meets the miraculous.
Tune in weekly for a dose of inspiration, practical magic, and a touch of cosmic guidance. Let Magical Michelle Orwick be your trusted companion on this extraordinary adventure called life. Living Magically Podcast – where every episode is a spellbinding celebration of the extraordinary within and around us! 🌈🔮✨
Living Magically Podcast
Harnessing the 11-11 Portal & Taurus Full Moon for Transformation | Energy & Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick
Unlock the secrets of the 11-11 portal and Taurus full moon as we guide you through a time of profound transformation. Ever wondered how you can contribute to the collective consciousness while nurturing your own energy? Tune in to explore powerful breathing exercises and visualization techniques that activate your heart center, release stress, and align you with the cosmos. Reflect on what you need to let go of from the past—whether it's four months or 20 years—and set new, heartfelt intentions to manifest your dreams as Pluto approaches its transition into Aquarius.
As we navigate these cosmic shifts, there's a spotlight on Mercury's shadow period and why it's crucial to act before its retrograde on the 25th. Learn about 11-11 as a powerful master number and its call to focus on your divine purpose and unity consciousness. Discover how choice shapes your reality, and get ready to harness these energies in a free masterclass on energy management next Monday. Mark your calendars for transformative teachings on creating a protective bubble of light and repairing your auric field. Join us, and step into the Aquarian age empowered to manifest the reality you truly desire.
🌟✨ Ready to Elevate Your Vibration? ✨🌟
Join me for a powerful Energy Management Masterclass, where we’ll dive deep into understanding and mastering the flow of your own energy.
Learn transformative techniques to protect, balance, and elevate your energy field so you can show up fully, no matter what life brings.
This class is perfect for anyone ready to take control of their energetic boundaries, prevent burnout, and align with their highest potential.
Let’s step into a more empowered, radiant YOU!
📅 Date: November, 18, 2024
⏰ Time: 7pm EST
💻 Location: Happening via Zoom!
Be sure to register in advance for this master class: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtc-ivqj8oH9RIKwnKVZfHjMVXnVDXgp2z
Let’s light up together!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
As Always, Live Magically!
Welcome to Living Magically. I am your host, magical Michelle, and this is the week of the 11-11 portal and the full moon in Taurus, so sit back, take a deep breath and get into your alignment. This week is the last week before we have the big transition into Pluto and Aquarius, so exactly one week from now, on, the 19th, we will be changing that energetic. So up until then, what do you need to do? Well, first off, I just want to say welcome to the 1111 portal, and one of the things that we'll be looking for is the shift in your side of your body. There's been a lot of energy going on all over the planet, all over the United States, no matter how you feel. There's a lot of feels and, of course, that is heightened by the 1111 portal. So right now, one of the things we're being asked to come into is something called coherence. So this 1111, we are asking you to find your heart center and activate that action of coherence, and to do that, you're going to be bringing the energy up through the bottoms of your feet, through your tailbone, through your spinal column, opening up your heart and moving it up through your pineal gland, up out the top of your head and imagine making that like a donut. It comes up and it comes back down and around and it makes, like this donut, energy, which we call the terrestrial field, radial field, and in that what you're trying to do is find your center in your heart. You're activating your heart in peace and what we're doing here is we're releasing the stress from our nervous system. We're doing that with our breath, we're doing that with our imagination and we're reminding ourselves that we're safe.
Magical Michelle Orwick:One of the most important tools I've ever had in my life is to just sit for two minutes and breathe just plain old breathe in, breathe out, take a deep breath in, take a deep breath out and eyes closed. And I usually place my hand on my heart Usually it'll be one hand on the heart and one hand on my belly and I will just breathe in love and breathe out peace and love and harmony. And if you need help doing that, I do have a video that I do that with on YouTube. But in the meantime, just no matter where you are. You can be in the bathroom, you can be in the car. Before you go into a meeting, you could take a five minute walk away from your desk at work or a stressful conversation. Just give yourself two minutes.
Magical Michelle Orwick:It resets the adrenals, your nervous system, and when you're doing this, you can say I'm safe, I'm coherent, I'm full of love, I am open, I'm open to receive, I'm open to receive healing, and I release and let go of everything that no longer serves me. And also imagine sending any energy that isn't yours. In fact, really, one of the great ways to do this is to ask is this even mine? Because you're picking up on the collective consciousness, you're picking up on the empathy with everybody else and what they're feeling right now, and it's a lot. It's a lot for empaths, healers and love leaders. So, as a love leader, my answer is to get back into your own coherence and don't underestimate how useful and powerful just being in your own energy and being part of your own hope and holding your energy and holding love and sharing love and sharing peace into the collective consciousness both clearing it for yourself and then sharing it with the collective consciousness Don't underestimate how potent and how powerful that can be.
Magical Michelle Orwick:And so we start this week out with the 11-11 and we sort of end this week with a super powerful last super moon and this time in Taurus on Friday, and so, with that, full moons are an incredible time for letting go and activating things too, and so there's this potency that is, accumulation of a lot of the energy for the last four months through the eclipses. Again, this is the fourth supermoon, so think about what was happening 90 days ago and everything that's happened in those four months, even previous to the 90 days, so that's essentially all the way back into August. What are you? What have you learned? What have you grown from? What have you been holding on to and this could also be what have you been holding on to for 20 years, because we're in that final days of the Pluto in Capricorn, and that happens next Tuesday. So I'll talk a lot more about what to expect with that on next Monday's video call, but I do want to invite you to think about what do I need to let go of anywhere in the last 20 years? What am I letting go of for the last four months and what am I calling in? This is a great time we're still in the moon rising, so activating something on 11-11 or any day up to and actually Friday's magic is going to be really, really lovely for calling in what your true heart desires. So Taurus is ruled by Venus and so there is a true heart's desire in this full moon. So a lot of good opportunity.
Magical Michelle Orwick:I know that some of you are concerned because Mercury did go into shadow, but I just want to say it isn't actually fully retrograde until the 25th. So if there's things you want to do that you need to get done, do it before the 25th. But in the meantime, if you're going to be traveling for Thanksgiving or for anything coming up in December, get your car fixed, double check your plane tickets. Double check your plane tickets. Just make sure that all your um t's are crossed and your i's are dotted and and everything is in order, and that includes your end of the year paperwork. Do it now. If, if there's anything you've been postponing, procrastinating, putting off, now is the best time to do it. So again, this is a great week of the entire month.
Magical Michelle Orwick:I think this is the loveliest week, astrologically, of November. So you have this 11-11. Definitely take a moment, light a candle, say a meditation, say a prayer from 11 to 11-11 tonight, if you're watching this on actual 11-11 Monday, but you can tap into that 11-11 activation energy for the entire rest of the month because November is still going to be an 11. And for those of you who are like, what is 11-11 mean? Anyway, 11 is a master number, it's the master teacher.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So a double 11 is saying what am I activating into my full divine purpose and life? Sometimes it's considered a romantic number sacred union and I've been taking it this year into the energy of unity, consciousness for the whole, for the collective. And how do I find oneness with myself, my divinity, and then oneness with the people around me, and even the people who seemingly are of an opposite viewpoint, and I want to give credit to this. I heard this concept from mary sue. So, mary sue, if you're watching, this comes from you. Um, I know there's a lot about the red and the blue and all the different sides, but red and blue make violet and the violet flame is one of the most powerful transmuters.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So if we were to think about getting really clear in the consciousness, of coming into understanding that we are all one consciousness and ultimately there is a new earth that is going to be created, no matter where you are, what you're doing, if you reconnect to love, love is going to be your protection and your healer and so, coming into your own heart, your own center and your own truth. Make sure that you're keeping your thoughts on the elevation of what you desire Very important right now to put your desires into play for what you want instead of what you don't want. And if you start actually speaking what you don't want, you can actually say cancel, clear, delete or delete, delete, delete. I do not want that. What I really want is this and start focusing on stating with your words, your mind, your actions, what you want instead of what you fear.
Magical Michelle Orwick:This is going to be the most potent and powerful magician's tool is the power of choosing your thoughts and choosing your words. And I understand the first thought comes in. You can't choose that, but your redirect and what you choose to give energy to and focus on is your choice. It is your power. I am thinking about people who were in the Holocaust or in prison, and the one thing that you can't take away from someone is their mind. You can't take away from someone what they choose to do with their personal energy and the power of love. So, no matter what happens, you always get to choose who you are and how you want to be in the world. So that is the one thing that nothing can ever be taken away from you is how you personally choose to feel, because the magician's tool is choice, and I know that there's been a lot going on, so I wanted to offer a masterclass.
Magical Michelle Orwick:It's been something that I've been cooking up for the last about a month, and I just got really busy with the with the Halloween season, and so next Monday at 7 pm Eastern Time, I am going to be doing a masterclass on energy management. It's some tips and tools of the trade. It's completely free, it'll be on Zoom and there will be a recording. You just have to sign up for it and we'll get you. I think it's better to be live, but if you can't be there live, we will get you the recording. So it's a free energy mastery class by yours truly Magical Michelle, and it's going to be on Zoom at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time on Monday, the 18th, which is one day before the Pluto changes over into Aquarius, and it will sort of act as a how are we going to be in this new Aquarian age, how to project your energy, your hopes, your dreams, your love in this new world? And so I'm really excited about this masterclass, and by next week we will also have which school up and ready to be signed up for.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So we are going to do a one year fully online training for magical practices. It's a practical magic um mystery school, essentially for one year, and it'll be a year and a day, and so we should have all the information for that ready by next week. So I'm actually using exactly what I'm talking about to you for myself, which is clean up the things that you haven't finished, get ready, put things into motion, take action to motion, take action, call in who you're desiring to be and what you have to share with the world, and live your light, live your full on fierce truth, because this is how we are going to always keep our energy high and beyond the timeline that's going to change the world. Sometimes change is icky, sticky and a little bit tough, so sometimes we have to commit to this next way of being and there's a change that has to happen. So, in this ever-changing world, what we're going to do is we're going to change our minds and from there we're going to change our actions and from there we're going to have alchemy into the world that we're creating, into the magic that is possible. So this is a very, very practical, michelle, way of bringing this truth to light, and I've been doing this over 20 years and I promise you that the world is going to be a better place. I know it will, and I know that you will also be in a better place. So take a deep breath, release the and drop your shoulders, relax your neck, put a smile on your face for a second and just feel into the activation that I'm going to send out right now.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So activating, on this 1111, your heart, activating the eternal molecule that lives in your heart, activating your love frequency, the frequency of self-love, the frequency of love that goes into the planet, and we're opening that up to the coherence that surrounds you, creating a field of love that is all the way around you till you create a bubble of light and then releasing anything inside that bubble that is not yours, that is not pure, or that was once yours, that you no longer want, anything that is ready to go. We are changing our identity to that of coherence and love. So activating that in the field for you and to the conscious collective, sending out love to every single soul that this planet has to offer. Sending out love, sending out magic, sending out hope and feeling that in every cell of your body. Just feel that and we are acting on the codes of just feel that and we are acting on the codes of connecting to your highest self and closing down all permission for negative timelines, opening up the clearest joy timeline for you, and I want you to take and deactivate permission to be on anything less than your joy timeline and I invite you to release yourself from an old paradigm and step fully on this day 11-11, into new earth, into the age of Aquarius, into the golden age of love, leadership of love and above and to know that that's possible and with that comes health and prosperity and opportunity, even if it's hard to see that right now. Let go of what is your perception and choose to align with your joy, prosperity, divine timeline. Thank you, thank you, thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done, thank you.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So great days to do work this week. Obviously Monday, great day light a candle, magical intention candle on 11 11 at 11 o'clock at night. You can do that, or any other day this week. Another really, really potent day is Thursday. Thursday is a great day for prosperity and with this full moon peaking out at its fullest at 4.30 on Friday. Thursday is a great money magic spell day, whether that's a candle or a money sachet or a money bowl or a money bath. But whatever you do, clean your, your energy, field your house and set some intentions Thursday and Friday. Friday is a great day because it is ruled by Venus and so is Taurus.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So we're talking about love and and self, love and compassion and anything that has to do with beauty, home resources, health and compassion and anything that has to do with beauty, home resources, health and wealth. And then even Saturday, a perfect day for letting go and releasing. So a great day to gather with community this weekend. Beautiful full moon over the weekend, good for drum circles and bonfires and anything that brings us together. And, of course, with that full moon in Taurus, anything that's creative and art-like, so cooking, beautiful food, which is very appropriate for the Thanksgiving month. So you can make beautiful food, beautiful art, make your home beautiful. Taurus loves that Venus energy and so all of those things are really potent.
Magical Michelle Orwick:And, of course, gather with the people, small circles or large, but they must make you feel good. Whoever is going to bring love, peace and joy and reset your nervous system. These are people that make you feel safe, make you feel alive, make you feel creative. Those are gonna be who you wanna share this weekend with, and you know I love you so much every single one of you and I'm sending you my love, I'm sending you my dream for each of you is that you find your inner strength and resilience in this time, because we are being called upon to perform the miracle of alchemy, and the alchemy says wherever you are willing to make change, wherever you are willing to put your attention and your focus, we can bring in a new revolution of coherence and harmony and peace. This is the revolution that the love leaders are going to be bringing to the table, and I see it, I feel it and I know it to be true in every essence.
Magical Michelle Orwick:And so this is a great week to be focusing on what you want, what you truly desire, instead of what you're.
Magical Michelle Orwick:There's no lack in gratitude, no lack in desire, so I just just want you to, whatever it is you want desire and hope for I want you to really focus on that right now and give it action, give it momentum, give it energy, and I think this full moon will be really beautiful and potent for you.
Magical Michelle Orwick:With all of that, I am your favorite fairy godmother, michelle, and we will be back here next Monday. And, as I said earlier in the video, I do have a free masterclass on energy management next Monday, but you do have to register for it because it will be shortly following my live feed on Facebook, shortly following my live feed on Facebook, and so it will be on Zoom at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time Totally free energy management masterclass, and I just wanted to do something complimentary right now to see. We'll be focusing on some things like creating your bubble of light. Some things like creating your bubble of light, cleaning your rips and tears in your auric field. We'll be doing things like soul fragment clearing and getting other people's energy out of your field, staying grounded, centered and coherent in these very interesting times, and that will bring a lot of joy, groundedness and safety and protection and put our minds in the place that we can create the reality that we are truly deserving and desire. No-transcript.