Living Magically Podcast
Welcome to the enchanting world of the Living Magically Podcast with the captivating Magical Michelle Orwick! 🌟 Immerse yourself in a weekly journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration as Michelle expertly guides you through the realms of magic and mysticism.
Each episode is a treasure trove of insights, offering a kaleidoscope of topics that include Energy Updates, Astrology Revelations, Meditative Journeys, Activations, and the art of Magical Living. Michelle's unique blend of wisdom, warmth, and wonder will transport you to a space where the extraordinary becomes the norm.
Join our growing community of seekers, dreamers, and magic enthusiasts as we delve into the cosmic tapestry of existence. Whether you're a seasoned mystic or just beginning your magical journey, Living Magically is your passport to a world where the mundane meets the miraculous.
Tune in weekly for a dose of inspiration, practical magic, and a touch of cosmic guidance. Let Magical Michelle Orwick be your trusted companion on this extraordinary adventure called life. Living Magically Podcast – where every episode is a spellbinding celebration of the extraordinary within and around us! 🌈🔮✨
Living Magically Podcast
Spiritual Cleansing Under the December Moon | Energy & Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick
Reflect and rejuvenate as we navigate the cosmic currents of the year's end with Magical Michelle. As the final full moon of 2024 graces our skies, Mercury and Mars retrogrades create an atmosphere ripe for introspection and transformation. Discover how this celestial alignment offers a unique window for spiritual and physical cleansing, urging you to release what no longer serves you and prepare for fresh starts in 2025. Experience the harmonious blend of holiday spirit and cosmic energy, and learn how to center yourself with kindness and clarity during this potent season.
Celebrate with me as I mark the conclusion of a personal journey, moving my life from Ohio to the sunny shores of Florida since 1998. This transition is a testament to the themes of completion and gratitude, culminating as we near the powerful 1212 portal. Embrace the peace and wholeness of this moment and radiate these energies to the world. For those eager to embark on their own transformative journeys, consider joining Witch School starting January 11th, where a year of magic, joy, and self-discovery awaits. Let's journey together into the new year with open hearts and a renewed sense of purpose.
As Always, Live Magically!
Hello, my loves, and happy Magi monday. This is michelle orwick, known as magical michelle, and I'm your host for this week's living. Magically, we have quite a week and it is our last full moon of 2024 and a lot of things are coming to the surface. A lot of things are deep in our process, and I just want to first start with reminding yourself to breathe, just breathe through it. It is important that, no matter what is going on, you just return to your center, return to your heart, and to also be kind to everyone, no matter what you feel within yourself, because it is. It is a beautiful thing to remember that the power of positivity can start with you illuminating and change can come from us and through us, as us, and if there's any doubt in your mind at all that change is happening in the world, I promise. I promise to just hold on a little bit longer, and when I look at the astrology for 2025, there is huge hope coming through. It may seem a little dim. It is the darkest part of the year and it is, you know, the longest nights of the year, with the 21st being the longest and coming up in just over a week. So as we process this. We might be feeling like we need to go inward. We might be feeling like we need to reflect. There's multiple things happening. First off, we have a lot of things in retrograde. We have Mercury still in retrograde for one week. We have Mars just going into retrograde and that's a long transit, my friends. It goes all the way off until the end of February. So Mars being in retrograde isn't as talked about as Mercury in retrograde. Everybody knows that when Mercury is in retrograde, it rules things like transportation, it rules communication, and you don't want to do contracts and things. This is more, I don't want to say subtle, because it's actually a little more out there in your face. When Mars is retrograde, we're taking a bigger picture review, because Mars is more of a forward motion sign in general and it's it's a little more aggressive, and so if you're feeling the need to go inward, please do.
Magical Michelle Orwick:This is a week where we're going to want to reflect, we're going to want to turn inward. We're going to want to turn inward, we're going to want to look at the bigger picture and because it is getting closer to the end of the calendar year and that place where in the sky the sun goes from this season of really getting smaller. From this summer equinox to the winter equinox, the sun disseminates. It goes slower and slower and slower, to this point where it is the really long nighttime, and that brings us inward. That new energy is going to start on the 21st some of it, but right now we have that double retrograde and there's a couple other planets retrograde too, but these two are close signs. They're close to our planet and they're very affecting us. And when that happens, reflect, review, renew, rest. If it starts with R, it's good for a retrograde season and we have the full moon peaking out this week and what's really kind of awesome is we have the full moon at the same time as Mercury going direct, so we're going to illuminate some things. When the moon is growing in the sky, it's time to illuminate, it's time to get a clearer picture, and I think that's what happens. If we do take the time during retrograde season, we do get clarity, we get insight, inward insight, and that's what's happening. We're reviewing 2024 and we're prepping for 2025. That's very much the season that we're in, and so what is it you are looking to complete by the 30th, which is the next new moon? We'll have that new moon right before the beginning of 2025 and so they'll feel like some momentum there. We will be at that point moving out of shadow. Mercury retrograde, so it will move direct, but there's still a shadow period. So Mercury goes direct on the 15th, on Sunday, and we also have the full moon this weekend, which is 4 am Sunday morning, so you might feel that full moon even stronger and more illuminated on Saturday night.
Magical Michelle Orwick:It's a great week to be cleaning your house, spiritually, cleaning your body. I also know some people that do some some cleanses at this time releasing overeating or releasing sugar, like maybe they do a little cleanse in between Thanksgiving and the big holiday season that's at the end of the month of December, so they do a little bit of cleanup in their eating habits and their food and their drink. It's a good time for that. It's also good to let go of old paperwork, releasing and burning away things. It's a perfect time for a bonfire. In fact, we're going to be doing at Witchy Weekend. We're going to be doing a bonfire on the beach Saturday night Perfect night for that.
Magical Michelle Orwick:The moon will be full, the energy will be potent, so it is the perfect time to release that which is not serving you and even ignite the intentions of what you're calling in. So if you're reviewing a plan for 2025, this is a great time to do that. It's a great time to spiritually cleanse your home to do that. It's a great time to spiritually cleanse your home. Sage or do an incense where you walk through the house with incense. It is the season for frankincense and myrrh, so a good frankincense, myrrh resin blend or incense might really open up the spiritual cleansing of your home and anything that's going to make you feel like you're starting fresh.
Magical Michelle Orwick:One of my mentors says change the sheets on the full moon and you know it's a good time to really just lean into preparing your home for the holiday season. So I've heard a lot of people say they feel less holiday-like than other years and it is because of these retrogrades and it is because Thanksgiving was a little bit late in the season. So if you're planning on creating a tree or decorating, if you're looking to decorate and you're behind the power curve, it's okay. I think you're going to find that's going to be more this week and this weekend. You're going to feel more ready to organize and cleanse and prepare and be more festive.
Magical Michelle Orwick:It is going to be a quiet holiday season, and I know that it doesn't matter what holiday you choose. It's interesting because we have a lot of holidays lining up astrologically this year and completing right at the new year. It is still going to be, I think, a quiet time where you might want to be in smaller gatherings or smaller groups of people If you feel like you just want to go to something for a couple hours and leave, or if you want to invite less people to your holiday party or just gather in smaller, more intimate settings. Even if you're in a very large crowd, you might feel like you just want to go off to the side with somebody and have a little more of a one-on-one communication or a smaller group communication. All of that's okay.
Magical Michelle Orwick:We are in a place where we are reviewing our self-actualization how far have we come and how do we want to get to where we're really going? I understand that people are still feeling sidetracked from 2020 on. They feel like they were maybe going towards some goals and they moved out of them and they haven't been able to really connect to their manifestations, their goals, their plans. This is a completion cycle, so when we're moving into 2025, we're going to be in a nine year, so up until January 1st. We're finishing out eight, and eight is all about karma and reaping what you you sow it's about. If you think about the eight, it's an infinite loop. It comes and it goes. What are you giving to be receiving? Are you open to receive? Are you open to give? Are you open to communicate? So what are you closing up what? What cycles are you finishing? And that's going to be a theme for the rest of this year. It's going to be a theme until February 25th with Mars retrograde, and it's going to be an even bigger theme for 2025.
Magical Michelle Orwick:What do you need to finish and what loose ends do you need to clean up? And you're going to see people really focusing on their, on their houses, their bodies and even their organization, anything that you need to organize, everything from your inbox, of your email inbox, all the way to your home pantry, and you might even see a lot of people clean out their garages over the holiday season. It is that kind of time. There is absolutely a does this serve me requirement. So, anything you're leaning into, does this serve me? And it might be really interesting to reprioritize, and it doesn't mean that something that comes your way might.
Magical Michelle Orwick:If you have something that comes your way and you look at it and you're like, hmm, this isn't a bad idea. The bigger question is does it serve my end goal? Is this going to detract me from my true goals? Like, yeah, maybe it's fun, maybe it's interesting, maybe it's even an opportunity, but does it really take you away from your priorities? Are your priorities set and straight and clear? So, getting clear on those priorities and saying no to anything that takes you away from your own personal goals, anything what people are asking from you, going to fit in with your personal goals and your personal manifestations, are you just being the helpmate? Are you just being the person that says yes all the time?
Magical Michelle Orwick:I want you to take a pregnant pause and actually say does this serve me? Do I have time for this? Do I have the energy for this? Is this about them? Is this about me? Is it manifesting my goals and my time? Is it taking resources from me that I actually need me, that I actually need? We don't have as many resources right now. We're tired, we're in this very dark phase where people are going to want extra sleep, extra naps, extra rest and we just might not have the energy we think we have.
Magical Michelle Orwick:Be honest with yourself what is possible to do, what is impossible to do, what can wait till tomorrow, what can wait till next week and what shouldn't? What is your priority? And this? This is a big theme going on right now, but it is also a great time for manifestation. Some people do not like to do magic work during Mercury retrograde, or any retrograde for that matter, and if I waited always for it to be the perfect astrological time, well, I'd never get anything done.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So this is the perfect week to be doing road opening work. This is where you're asking for the path to be cleared, the obstacles to be removed and everything going your way. There's a beautiful opportunity where. Think of it as the keys are falling in. Maybe there's been some locked doors, maybe there's been some paths unopened, maybe there's been some obstacles. And right now, if there's something you can do to remove that obstacle, something that's been maybe taking your attention, that maybe it'll only take you an hour or a day or a week to finish and complete and get it completely off your plate, you'd be surprised at how much that will actually open up space in your heart, space in your time space in your calendar for you to focus on what you really are interested in. So, path clear, obstacles removed and everything is going your way. Good symbols to be working with right now are keys, and other symbols that are great is anything with the light. This is a perfect time for candle magic, a perfect time to be lighting up your house, your room, your heart and your mind. What lights you up? And return to that center really asking what lights me up? And that's what we place into our candle magic with intention. So absolutely love that right now, and it is a time of celebration and as we're doing this review, look how far you've come. The attitude of gratitude is really potent right now. Be grateful for yourself for putting in the time, for putting in the effort. Look how far you've come. Even if you're like, in this area I haven't come as far as I want, see in what area maybe you have really expressed a different way, maybe you have completed something. So like for me.
Magical Michelle Orwick:I've spent years trying to get everything moved from Ohio and literally this week, the last literally this week, the last bit of my Ohio things that I've been storing in Ohio have arrived in my home. It's funny I've. I moved to Florida in 20, actually 1998. And right now, at the end of 2024, I moved the last of my belongings from my childhood and the things that were stored for me, like one of my grandmother's china cabinets my mother was storing for me for years and then my mother did pass this year, so I had my other grandmother's china cabinet and so today, just today, we had a celebration of putting all the china into my dining room and thank you, marissa, for lovingly unpacking it and helping wash it and put it away. Everybody who helped me along the way. I wanna thank you from the people who helped me load the U-Haul and pack, and even people who gave me packing materials. And I broke down in the middle of North Carolina last week and, in the snow, had to move the U-Haul trailer items into another one.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So all the people that were involved in that process, be grateful and look at what is closure and actually mark these closures as complete and see how far you've come and is there any more little tiny details that you can do to feel more whole and more complete.
Magical Michelle Orwick:So that's the nine, and nine is coming.
Magical Michelle Orwick:Nine is the year that we're moving into the 2025 and that is a year of completion, and it is also to understand that completion means wholeness, and so it is a year of finding what makes you whole and and I just feel like there's a lot of these little finishing touches on that right here, right now, before the beginning of the year and we do have the 1212 portal coming up on Thursday, so we do have this wave where there is a call to peace peace on the planet and peace in our own hearts. And so, whatever you're doing, you might take a pause at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time and send out your prayer on 12-12, your prayer for peace. That's this week. So that will activate you, it will connect to your 12-strand DNA and it will upgrade you. It is a time to be really clear on what's going to bring you peace in your heart, what's going to bring you peace in your life, what's going to bring you peace in your overall picture, and from there then we can project peace into the world and start radiating, one single person at a time, that place of centered peace in our own hearts, and that will heal. Don't ever underestimate how you healing your own heart and holding the vibration of love and peace and wholeness yourself, how that seems maybe insignificant, but yet, if every one of us did that, we will and are changing this world and this planet. One step, one intention, one thought, one action, one change at a time.
Magical Michelle Orwick:And so I invite you, if you want to be in community for manifestation in 2024, if you want to be in self-actualization and learning how to transmute these energies and be your own most powerful, aligned self, I have started Witch School.
Magical Michelle Orwick:We start on January 11th and it is a one-year program, a year and a day, and for anybody who is active in Witch School, we have a bonus call on January 1st. That'll be our first live action call. So if this is something that you're interested in, please register now. It is going to be a amazing year and if you want to be whole and complete and self-actualized in this year living your best truth, living in community and creating magic join me and we will have the most fun. I'm just having so much fun preparing for it. It is going to be a lot of joy and a lot of transformation and, last but not least, joining in community to really put our hearts, our minds and our words into play as as a magical community at witch school. I love. You have an amazing week, enjoy this big, beautiful full and I'll see you again next Monday.